Group: Night Sky

47 Tucanae NGC 104

Small Magellanic Cloud Detail.

Eagle Nebula M16 - The Sleeping Face.

Small Sagittarius Star Cloud M24 and IC 1248

Lagoon Area

Cats Paw NGC6334 & Lobster NGC 6357 wider field…

Statue Of Liberty Starless NGC 3576- Do look la…

Blue Horse Head Nebula IC4592 & Red Wine

Prawn Nebula Area Pano IC 4628

Large Magellanic Cloud area :- Do look at this as…

RCW105 23H

Fighting Dragons of Ara NGC6188

Running Chicken IC2944

A view from the hotel after sunset

Vela Area - The Gums

RCW75 & 74

Carina Nikon 300mm D F4

Bok's Valentine nebula ESO 210-6A

Skull and Crossbones Antlia Filters Pro 3nm

Skull and Cross bones Nebula NGC 2467

RCW 38 - do look at this full screen.

Pencil Nebula NGC 2736

Thors Helmet NGC2359

Cosmic Bat NGC1788

360 degrees of view

The night skies of Somerset