Group: Asie

Legong dancing at Puputan

Rita in portrait pose

In outifit for the Puputan memorial

Wedding guest group photo

Ishtadevata blesses the wedding

Gek Suzan and her Bija

Suzan shows sign of repture

Welcome back to Bali

Barong figure between two ladies

Preparing Babi Guling

Goa Gajah Elephant Cave

Holy altar to Tirta Empul


Worshiping to the Hindu gods

Tirta Empul almost deserted

Warm welcome back to Bali

See you soon again

Mayun praying at Kuningan

Gek Adii before Sekar Jepun dancing

Portrait of Gek Adii

Boy greets in Singaraja

Anjeli and Chandra

Nong Chok village

Muslim girls and their school uniform

Hmong kids like to be photographed

Lijiang Black Dragon Pool

Preparing offerings to spend to hindu gods

Worshippers praying to Hindu gods