Penedos, HFF


Happy Fence Friday, photos with fences!

Évora, Basilica Sé, Stop HFF, See you next Friday

Blue rope, Stop HFF, See you next Friday

Bad luck... unHFF

07 Apr 2022 27 75 243

Alcáçovas, Jardim das Conchas, HFF

08 Apr 2022 45 36 207
Inseridos no conjunto arquitetónico do Paço dos Henriques, a Capela e Jardim das conchas (como são conhecidos localmente) constituem um exemplar sui generis da diversidade cultural do Alentejo. Inicialmente consagrada a São Jerónimo, a “capela das conchinhas” foi reedificada entre as décadas de 30 e 40 do século XVII e consagrada em 1680 a Nossa Senhora da Conceição, com a trasladação da imagem proveniente da Ermida de São Geraldo. A água e as conchas traduzem uma forte imagem marítima para quem visita a capela e o jardim, traduzindo intimidade e movimento na geometria dos embrechados (inspirada na obra de Serlio) criadas pelas cerca de 26 espécies de conchas, em consonância com a azulejaria e elementos vítreos, e pelo circuito da água, que se iniciava no poço e seguia pelo aqueduto em direção ao tanque. *********** Part of the architectural ensemble of the Paço dos Henriques, the Chapel and Garden of the Shells (as they are known locally) are a unique example of the cultural diversity of the Alentejo. Originally consecrated to Saint Jerome, the "Chapel of the Shells" was rebuilt between the 30s and 40s of the 17th century and consecrated in 1680 to Our Lady of the Conception, with the transfer of the image from the Ermida de São Geraldo. Water and shells convey a strong maritime image to those who visit the chapel and the garden, translating intimacy and movement in the geometry of the embrasures (inspired by the work of Serlio) created by the approximately 26 species of shells, in harmony with the tiles and vitreous elements, and by the water circuit, which began at the well and followed the aqueduct towards the tank.

Alcáçovas, Ermida de S. Geraldo, HFF

08 Apr 2022 34 19 205
This small chapel, located in the eastern part of the village, was founded in 1599 by a committee of residents. After a period of some abandonment, it was restored and reopened for worship in 1941, currently hosting the parish festivities on August 15th. It is built in a pleasant and unobstructed area, with its ecclesiastic walls, facing west and with a rather picturesque silhouette, of brick, formed by a porch with an axial bell tower, of full arches, with benches for the pilgrims, the body of the nave paired with giants finished by pyramidal needles, and a square apse, with a roof of radiated lines decorated by a stylised urn.

Podence, STOP HFF, see you next Friday

Viana do Alentejo, Castelo, HFF

08 Apr 2022 33 33 200
Classificado como monumento nacional por decreto de 16/06/1910, o conjunto arquitetónico do Castelo de Viana do Alentejo é composto pela estrutura amuralhada e por um conjunto de espaços religiosos que se encontram no seu interior: Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Anunciação, pela Igreja da Misericórdia de Viana do Alentejo, pela Capela de Santo António e pela antiga capela de Nossa Senhora da Assunção, hoje convertida no centro de interpretação para o conjunto. Com algumas fontes históricas a colocarem a génese desta estrutura no reinado de D. Dinis (1279-1325), sendo do mesmo período da outorga do primeiro foral da vila alentejana (1313), investigações mais recentes parecem apontar para uma construção posterior. O recinto que viria a abrigar na sua disposição os primitivos paços do Concelho, o primeiro cemitério da vila e a primitiva Igreja Matriz, consagrada a Santa Maria de Foxem, sofre já em inícios do século XVI nova campanha de obras a cargo do eborense Diogo de Arruda, arquiteto que em 1521 assumia o cargo de Mestre-de-obras da Comarca de Entre Tejo e Odiana. +++++++ Classified as a national monument by decree of 16/06/1910, the architectural complex of the Castle of Viana do Alentejo is composed by the walled structure and by a set of religious spaces that are inside: the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Anunciação, the Church of Misericórdia of Viana do Alentejo, the Chapel of Santo António and the former chapel of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, today converted into the interpretation centre for the complex. With some historical sources placing the genesis of this structure in the reign of D. Dinis (1279-1325), being from the same period as the granting of the first charter of the Alentejo town (1313), more recent research seems to point to a later construction. The enclosure, which would come to house the primitive Town Hall, the first cemetery of the town and the primitive Mother Church, consecrated to Santa Maria de Foxem, undergoes at the beginning of the 16th century a new campaign of works by the architect Diogo de Arruda, from Éborense, who in 1521 took over as Master Builder of the region of Entre Tejo e Odiana.

Convolvulus althaeoides, Campainha, HFF

Cabo Espichel, Happiness is a warm gun, STOP HFF,…

Picos de Europa, HFF

11 Dec 2021 44 82 326

Carros, HFF

01 May 2022 48 63 271
PIP ABOVE ON VIDEO HERE: Walking on the flowery meadows

Podence, STOP HFF with Dante, see you next Friday.…

Penedos, STOP HFF, see you next Friday

Penedos, STOP HFF, see you next Friday .

Faro, Vila-Adentro, HFF

Cerro do Bufo, STOP HFF, see you next Friday !

463 items in total