S.Pylypko (WorldAround)'s photos


03 Apr 2018 2 2 111
A flock of swans, about a dozen, descended on the water on our river a few days ago. Apparently, they were caught by cold in the way and there was no possibility to fly further. People brought food and helped them survive unfavorable weather conditions. Last days the cold has left, warmth has come, water rised and has fill a coastal meadow. Now the swans are trying to catch small fish in shallow water. Today the weather is fine and I took a few pictures of these beautiful birds.

Happy Easter!

25 Apr 2012 4 132
Savior Transfiguration Cathedral on Easter days

Forest snowdrops

Belated fisherman

19 Mar 2018 1 2 105
It seems to me that this fisherman is slightly crazy - is it worth taking the such risk for catch a fish with size of a palm?

Celestial Eye | Небесне око

Свято-Михайлівський кафедральний собор | |St. Mich…

16 Dec 2010 7 6 384
Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind.

Магія весни... | |Magic of spring

04 Apr 2010 14 15 580
Morning fog. The first days of April, about 8 AM. The last remnants of snow not so long ago disappeared (in the forest shadow snow lays long time), the sun has warmed the wet forest, and arise this marvelous light!

Вогняна симфонія світанку | |Fiery Symphony of the…

24 Nov 2010 4 303
Same photos taken earlier, nevertheless deserving to share, to my mind.

Evening streets #2

Evening streets #1

The weekend is over, time to go home

...from the past century

Flights over our town #2

Hope doesn't want to die...

23 Dec 2016 26 25 364
This photo was placed at the time of deciding Ipernity’s fate - to be or not to be... . Hope doesn't want to die. And Ipernity survived!

Worried squirrel

Evening square

Різьблена хата/Carved house

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