Our tour in northern Laos

Luang Prabang and the north of Laos

After all my previous visits to Laos in the last 16 years this excursion to the north and north-east of Laos was one of my most exciting tours in this fascinating country. The destination Phongsali is so much beside the main routes that its better to be reach from Yunnan/China than from the south part of Laos; we did it coming from Oudom Xai 232 km to Phongsali with the speed of 15 - 20 km per hou…  (read more)

Luang Prabang and its night life

26 Dec 2009 569
Along the main road called Sakkkarine.

Sakkarine Road at night

26 Dec 2009 1 634
Sitting outside a restaurant at the Sakkarine Road in Luang Prabang.

Shops at Sakkarine Road

26 Dec 2009 540
Plenty of shops along the Sakkarine Road before the area of the night market starts.

Super comfortable house slippers sold at the night…

27 Dec 2009 585
Available in all sizes. I found a very small pair of slippers for hanging them around my cars driving mirror.

Plenty of handicraft sold at the market

27 Dec 2009 461
Every time I visited Luang Prabang I went to the night market too. My wife had to stop me from shopping to much from the charming Laos girls ...

Blanket handicraft vendor girl

27 Dec 2009 750
... like her (see my comment before).

Next booth at the night market

27 Dec 2009 515
The market stretches in a length of nearly one Kilometer.

Silver handicraft work

28 Dec 2009 590
Beautiful fine silversmith work to buy in Luang Prabang. This is a kind of charivari from the hilltribes.

The food line at the night market

27 Dec 2009 521
A side road of the night market is reserved for the food vendors. Always a very good address for a typical Laotian delicious meal.

Roasted freshwater fish out out of the Mekong

27 Dec 2009 989
All kinds of freshwater fish caught out of the Mekong will be roasted on the grill, ready to eat at the open food market. Its yummy for me but many foreign travelers be scared to eat so simple beside the road.

Laos sausages

27 Dec 2009 1 647
The Laos sausages called Si Clog is famous and very tasty. Food vendors offer the half-smoked half-cooked banger cut in pieces and serve it with beer or rice whisky.

Enjoy fresh roasted chicken and pork sticks

27 Dec 2009 1 623
Mother and daughter enjoy the food of roasted chicken, pork neck and sticky rice called Khao Neaw.

At the food market in Luang Prabang

27 Dec 2009 598
It makes fun to choose out the food you like, already prepared to eat immediately on a waggly table behind the vendor shop. THATS THE REARL LIFE IN LAOS.

Our friend for many years Ounheuane and our family

28 Dec 2009 1 598
Last group captured photo until the next and soon visit to Laos. Ounheuane got our long time friend for many years, we're very grateful to him and his brother in law, who drove us safely, gentle and modest many kilometers the difficult roads to the north of Laos.

Airport of Luang Prabang

28 Dec 2009 503
Steps to the gangway of the aircraft bringing us straight home to Bangkok.

Flight back to Bangkok by Bangkok Airways

28 Dec 2009 1 547
Bangkok Airways offers the flight straight to Bangkok, good service but sometimes wrong policy to hold their customers.

Boarding the plane to Bangkok

28 Dec 2009 530
Last view back to the country we like to travel and to return as soon as possible.

341 items in total