Our tour in northern Laos

Luang Prabang and the north of Laos

After all my previous visits to Laos in the last 16 years this excursion to the north and north-east of Laos was one of my most exciting tours in this fascinating country. The destination Phongsali is so much beside the main routes that its better to be reach from Yunnan/China than from the south part of Laos; we did it coming from Oudom Xai 232 km to Phongsali with the speed of 15 - 20 km per hou…  (read more)

Tham Ting

26 Dec 2009 443
Once we reached the top of the caves, we were be greeted by hundreds of Buddha statues placed all over the area. On looking closer, the hundreds start to seem like thousands of them in various sizes and colours. This lower part of the cave is called Tham Ting or lower cave where there is an approximate 2,500 or more Buddha statues there.

Tham Ting

26 Dec 2009 514
Its a taboo for every one to pilfer an image to take home. Violators will be new born as cockroaches or worms.

Tham Theung or Tham Prakachay

26 Dec 2009 562
Big sitting Buddha statue is watching outside at the entrance to the upper cave.

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

26 Dec 2009 674
Tham Theung contains approximately 1,500 Buddha images. This lion is chiseled in the lime stone inside the cave. Many visitors pass it without notice because the cave is completely dark and the torch light too weak.

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

Tham Theung

26 Dec 2009 497
The back side of the cave is completely dark just the mica of some incense sticks break the blackness. Visitors are good advised to bring a strong flashlight along.

From Tham Ting back to Ban Pak Ou

26 Dec 2009 1 606
The boy is the son of the boat skipper who brought us back to the other Mekong side, the last minutes before sunset.

Last view to Tham Ting

26 Dec 2009 895
Tham Ting is seen at the other Mekong side.

Mekong in the sunset mood

Mekong at the evening

Mekong at the evening

Sunset at the Mekong riverbank

341 items in total