Phuket downtown winter 1987

Phuket and Phang Nga long time ago

September 1978 was my first visit on Phuket, 1987 I returned to this beautiful target with wife and children.
Many of my friends in Thailand and Germany ask me to scan and post my slide pictures I captured that time to get an imagine about the change in twenty five years.
This set is posted temporary for some months.
Every body can make his on opinion how bad and instable tourist business change …  (read more)

30 Jun 2009

708 visits

Phuket downtown winter 1987

30 Jun 2009

952 visits

At the village from the Moken people 1987

The Moken (also called Morgan) people in Thailand often wrongly are called "Sea gipsies" . The origin of Moken people are the Andaman Islands, not the ethnic groups of Sinti or Roma which are the origin of gipsies. Moken are nomadic people, to call them sea nomadic people would be correct. In Thailand this people suffer under the hard discrimination and seldom their are integrated into the Thai society. That means they seldom or never get Thai nationality, they keep in statelessness. At many places like Koh Surin, Koh Lipe or particular Koh Phi Phi the Moken people are displaced to do good tourist business. On Phuket island you'll seldom meet Moken people anymore, just for tourist attractions to fill the pockets of the suppressors. The Burmese and Thai governments have made attempts at assimilating the people into their own culture, but these efforts have met with limited success. Thai Moken have been permanently settled in villages located in the Surin Islands, in Phuket Province, on the northwestern coast of Phuket Island, and on the nearby Phi Phi islands of Krabi province. Reports from the late 1990s told of forced relocation by Burma's military regime of the 'Sea Gypsies' to on-land sites. It was claimed most of the Salone had been relocated by 1997, which is consistent with a pervasive pattern of forced relocation of suspect ethnic, economic and political groups, conducted throughout Burma during the 1990s.

15 Jun 2009

636 visits

Phuket Patong beach 1987

When we came to this bay the first time, we found only three resorts and one hotel where we could check in, more resorts already were in construction.

15 Jun 2009

564 visits

Sunset at Phuket Patong beach 1987

15 Jun 2009

790 visits

Phuket Patong beach 1987

Fantastic lonely beach to spend an idyllic holiday. No running scooters and no creasy noise made by stupid long tail boat skippers. That time Patong was an insider tip under us backpack travelers.

15 Jun 2009

493 visits

Phuket Rawai 1987

15 Jun 2009

490 visits

Phuket harbor 1987

23 Jun 2009

511 visits

Phuket Phra Prom 1987

23 Jun 2009

1 comment

478 visits

Prom Thep cape 1987

22 items in total