Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

Valentine 100,000+ numbered series

Rideau Canal and Inter-Provincial Bridge, Ottawa (…

23 Nov 2013 200
Twilight view, in Valentine's "MEZZOGRAPH" series, printed in Great Britain. Sent without a message to Miss Mossop, 8, Park Terrace, Lindal-in-Furness, Ulverston, England, which I understand is in Lancashire (now Cumbria). Mailed June 24, 1911 at Montreal.

C.P.R. Train "Imperial Limited" leaving Loop Tunne…

23 Nov 2013 211
I have two of these, both unused, no. 107,232 of Valentine & Sons.

Union Station, St. John, N.B.

23 Nov 2013 251
Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 101,768.

G.T.R. Double Track through the Garden of Canada (…

23 Nov 2013 269
Interesting image of a Grand Trunk train. Posted at Hamilton, Ontario, May 3, 1908 to Miss W. Green, Danson Park Stables, Welling, Kent, England. No. 102,198 in the Valentine & Sons series. Undivided back.

Imperial Limited Trans-Continental Express, Montre…

23 Nov 2013 316
Valentine & Sons no. 100,044: "This is the very sort of train I spent a week in they are very big engines out here the one we came by was froze once and would not go." Undivided back, not addressed or posted.

Valley of the Ten Peaks, Laggan, Canadian Rockies

23 Nov 2013 173
Similar to the Field card, this has a message from Annie and Horace regarding the same birthday. The message is dated August 29, 1913. Valentine & Sons no. 100,441 (if I'm reading it right).

Three Sisters, Banff, Canadian Rockies (100,151)

23 Nov 2013 201
Mailed March 28, 1911 to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. No message. Valentine & Sons 100,151.

Fraser River, near Spuzzum, Canadian Rockies (102,…

23 Nov 2013 126
Unused card, no. 102,799 in the Valentine & Sons series.

Bridges over Desjardins Canal, Hamilton, Ont.

23 Nov 2013 271
Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England (addressee of many of these cards. No. 101,235 in the Valentine & Sons series. No message. Postmarked July 30, 1908 at Hamilton, Ont.

Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior

23 Nov 2013 198
To Miss K. A. Bridge, Heaton Park, Manchester, England "With kind regards, Violet Farries, Winnipeg, 1/18/1912. The Valentine number is cut off (it's at lower left), except for the very tops of the numbers, which suggest that it could be 100,527.

City Hall, Ottawa (102,696)

23 Nov 2013 215
Valentine & Sons no. 102,696, addressed to the famous Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. "Oct. 11/13 Dear Lizzie, We had a nice holiday in the country this year for two weeks, also very nice weather. I expect to see my nephew from Hamilton on Thanksgiving Day which falls on the 20th of this month. With love, Ernest."

"Maid of the Mist" Landing, showing Incline Railwa…

22 Nov 2013 182
"This bridge divides Canada from the United States of America. It was this bridge that caused the Battle of Lundy Lane to be fought between USA & Great Britain. The Americans retiring after the battle. A monument is erected close by in Lundy Lane cemetery in rememberance [sic] of the men who fell in the battle." (written across entire back). This card is Valentine & Sons no. 108,052.

The Giant Rock, Great Gorge Route, Niagara Falls

22 Nov 2013 193
Letter sent to Miss E. R. Bush, High Croft, Nr. Frome, Somerset, England: "Aug. 29th. Hello Rosalie - Just a thought from Canada. How goes the world with you? I went this trip the first Summer I spent in Canada. It is grand. Have just returned home from a little holiday. Accept my love for Auld Lang Syne. My days are busy ones. Full up with all sorts of interest. Ambulance work to the fore now. Yours etc. M. Millard, 11 Poplar Plains, Toronto." (I can see about where that is out the window -- the card has come almost full circle after spending 101 years in England!) It is Valentine & Sons no. 101,731 and was posted at Toronto on August 30, 1912.

Swing Bridge at Entrance to Harbour, Hamilton, Ont…

22 Nov 2013 301
Valentine & Sons card no. 101,825, posted March 11, 1907 at Hamilton to M. E. Nash, 129 Victoria Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. The letter reads: "222 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, Ont. Canada. Dear Eadie, just a line to let you know we have changed our address once again + Sam is not going to bother about the club again as he has bought a house so he does not think he will ever live in England again, will write again soon as I am coming how. Love to all believe me. Your sincerely friend, M. E. T."

Whirlpool, Niagara River

22 Nov 2013 233
Addressed to Miss M. Kinnell, 7 Gillespie Place, Edinburgh, Scotland and posted at Hamilton, Ont., on September 23, 1907. "Your cards are certainly the nicest views I get anywhere, must be a beautiful country all right enough. The rapids shown in this view here are very fierce, boil + roar, and kick up quite a racket. A man was mad enough some years ago to try + swim them but that was his "finish". Sincerely, EBT." Valentine & Sons no. 100,843. Note the admonition on the front of the card to "just pass by" the writer's North American slang.

St. James' Cathedral, Montreal

22 Nov 2013 205
Postmarked at Brantford, August 17, 1907, a Valentine & Sons undivided back card with the 100,000 series number cut off at lower right. Published for the Canada Railway News Co., Ltd., Toronto and addressed to Miss E. Niven, 16 Wellington St., Greenock, Scotland R. G.

Montreal from Mount Royal

22 Nov 2013 209
Valentine & Sons divided-back card no. 100,075, mailed at Montreal on February 15, 1906. Addressed to Miss Seymour, 20 Manchester Square, London W., England with the message: "D. S. Just a P.C. hope you are well we are all fine having lots of snow yesterday and to day hoping to see you soon. Best regards to all. Yours T. P. M. (??), From Montreal."

St. Anne's Church, Toronto, Canada

22 Nov 2013 206
Valentine & Sons card no. 600,284, addressed to Miss L. Rayner, 180 Beaconsfield Rd., Norwich, Norfolk, England. No message and not mailed.

151 items in total