WindsorDi's photos

12 Aug 2017

162 visits

settling in...

Small gathering of folk settling in for the night... — at Point Pelee.

12 Aug 2017

175 visits

IMG 0008

kids... water...

12 Aug 2017

149 visits

gentle waves

just light waves tonight... they murmered a constant sound track for the evening

12 Aug 2017

165 visits

a saltie passes

the trees on the horizon are Pelee Island... and a saltie ( a sea going ship) passed through the Pelee Passage between the island and the Point..

12 Aug 2017

183 visits

IMG 0013

12 Aug 2017

174 visits

IMG 0016

12 Aug 2017

192 visits

a stellar sunset

a stellar sunset... with the mandatory gulls in frame ;-)

12 Aug 2017

158 visits

a stellar sunset

the clouds from the recent thunderstorm went away with the sunset, leaving us clear skies for the night..

12 Aug 2017

193 visits

Early stars

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.