

Amenhotep II

06 Nov 2020 37 22 243
TSC: This week take a picture using a mobile phone. Of anything you like, or do another abstract with it. Use apps if you like. Your choice for this. This week I went to an exhibition " Egypt of Glory - The Last Great Dynasties " I edited first a picture of a statue of Amenhotep II in an app "Snapseed" and after that in "Mirror Lab". In Photoshop I added the moon and stars. Just fun for a change :) HMD Global Nokia 5

beach (pip)

29 Oct 2020 32 17 225
TSC: Abstract Photography Abstractions are everywhere, I took some pictures while walking in nature. The essence of a beach, water moving on a coast of small stones. I did not feel the need to use filters etc. to make it look more abstract.

deep waters (pip)

24 Oct 2020 33 20 260
TSC: Take A Photograph, then rework your image into something more ghostly. please enlarge on black


16 Oct 2020 27 21 212
TSC: Creative food photography although I was raised not to play with food, I couldn't resist...;)

right to the bottom ...

10 Oct 2020 36 22 232
TSC: Get Creative With A Glass Bottle (s)

in blue

28 Sep 2020 23 16 189
TSC: Blue All Blues

flower power

26 Sep 2020 36 24 237
TSC: A ZIPPER I put a zipper on the flowers in our garden and waited for a flower fly to land on one of the flowers inside the zipper, because they were constantly hovering above the flowers. On the computer I added the blouse..

chair 69

15 Sep 2020 37 23 343
TSC: A chair Aalto chair 69 Chair 69 was designed by Alvar Aalto in 1935. Chair 69 was originally designed for the Viipuri Municipal Library – besides designing the building itself, Alvar Aalto also designed the interior, lamps and furniture, including the Chair 69.

folding plate camera

04 Sep 2020 34 20 260
TSC: Something Old, The Oldest Thing in Your House. Maybe the oldest thing in my house, not sure.... (1906-1910) More information here

hot summer

22 Aug 2020 25 24 193
TSC: Something related to a moment of laughter in our past. We like to joke at home by putting objects together in a funny way, like my wife´s summerhat on the globe. It's also in a convenient place, close to the door to our garden.. Two more in a pip.

silver-washed fritillary (pip)

14 Aug 2020 26 19 208
TSC: Take a photograph of something you've never taken before being in the in the countryside I became interested in photographing butterflies again and took several pictures of the silver-washed fritillary. This one looks old in contrast with the one in the pip. I never took before a picture of this species.

unbalanced balance

24 Jul 2020 26 17 233
TSC: a pile of ...something in negative space!

farm environment (pip)

02 Jul 2020 23 18 162
TSC: Vintage Photography

still life

28 Jun 2020 33 16 273
TSC: To use a flashlight/torch for your shot.


12 Jun 2020 59 27 362
TSC: "Backward(s)" rowing at midnight on the lake please enlarge on black


07 Jun 2020 27 20 237
TSC: How Are You Coping With The Lock Down Biking became very popular, with family and alone, just to see different surroundings. One reason how I made already a lot of pictures for the SH. Reading was also another way of spending the time


30 May 2020 33 22 219
TSC: More or less 50 feet from your home. That is about 15 meters for those of you in metric :)

rural landscape

21 May 2020 15 14 132
TSC: serenity

369 items in total