

I'm still here

17 Sep 2021 36 21 172
TSC: Human Hands


TSC 500

28 Aug 2021 24 13 147
TSC: make a picture that says TSC 500 very little time last week, so only on the computer.

on the rocks

23 Aug 2021 22 13 145
TSC: from where I stand


12 Aug 2021 33 15 175
TSC: PATTERNS a second one in a clickable note

in blue

04 Aug 2021 37 21 184
TSC: BLUE Blues With A Feeling
29 Jul 2021 22 14 174
TSC: still life at 7 o'clock. a little too late ;)) sculpture by Vesa Koskinen, made with a chainsaw and an angle grinder


17 Jul 2021 40 22 221
TSC: shoot anything you like but from a different point of view than you would normally choose.

forest, sky and clouds

pride week #4

02 Jul 2021 31 21 149
TSC: fly the flag of your country It was pride week in Finland, the only flag I saw last week SHC4: A rainbow
26 Jun 2021 24 17 135
TSC: DETAIL Macro Dreams: Paper

empty chair

15 Jun 2021 46 26 193
TSC: Isolate a subject. Any subject you like, but make sure it is the main focus of your image, the subject should draw our eyes to it immediately.

all round #38

12 Jun 2021 31 19 180
TSC: a subject that represents "PLENTY" and make it a black and white image SHC38: Polka dots Around and Around

natural lightbulb

04 Jun 2021 57 31 207
TSC: anything at all to do with circles please enlarge on black

choo choo train

24 May 2021 30 18 219
TSC: opposites, in a minimalist style.


21 May 2021 24 21 137
TSC: complementary colours: red-green, orange-blue
07 May 2021 26 17 156
TSC: Rim Lighting I photographed the same plants as yesterday for SSC (see pip), but in the evening sun


19 Apr 2021 27 14 139
TSC: Fill the frame SHC49: An interesting door please enlarge on black

369 items in total