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  Shooting date  /  2018  /  August   -   62 photos

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  • Speckled Wood Butterfly
  • blow waves
  • fading away
  • It's a bird!
  • flybe Dash 8
  • Rainbow in the sky
  • House Martin with mouthful of flies
  • The Last Swift of the summer ?
  • horse's mane
  • Horse's mane
  • Horse's tail
  • rotate left -horse and jockey
  • mottled
  • Antler Moths
  • Wall Butterfly  ( a new one for me)
  • Golden grasses
  • Damp patch.... is this the end of the drought ?
  • Kestrel
  • Art in the wild
  • Fire damaged
  • Changes in the weather
  • Blackberries
  • Sunday morning lie in
  • Crow Country
  • A Ghostly Kestrel
  • Still going down
  • Kestrel hovering at cloud level
  • Heather and Bracken
  • Just for the record 3 birds on a wall
  • Crows
  • Holme Moss Road
  • Digley Reservoir
  • Winscar Reservoir
  • Woodhead Reservoir - getting lower and lower
  • Young Kestrel
  • Grey Heron
  • Garden Warbler
  • Garden Warbler
  • VIP Helicopter service
  • Cloudscapes #2
  • Cloudscapes #1
  • A Turneresque sky
  • Mottram Church
  • Down Summerhouse Lane
  • Very wet Magpie
  • Mossy Lea path
  • Back on the grass
  • Doctors Gate path
  • Bleaklow from Old Glossop
  • a view over the gate
  • Buzzard mobbed by Corvids
  • Red Kite
  • Hobby
  • Blackden Edge (Kinder Scout) seen over Lady Clough Moor
  • Fairbrook Naze
  • Seal Edge
  • The Edge
  • Shelf Stones ( Bleaklow )
  • The Pennine Way
  • The path above Crooked Clough  ( Bleaklow)
  • Swallow with Starlings
  • Willow Warbler