Hedge Sparrow

Uploaded 2015

28 Dec 2015

72 visits

Hedge Sparrow

more correcrtly a Dunnock

31 Dec 2015

87 visits

Buzzard overhead

one of three today.

31 Dec 2015

75 visits

Black-Headed Gull (crop)

31 Dec 2015

74 visits

Black-Headed Gull

31 Dec 2015

70 visits

Courting couple

31 Dec 2015

94 visits

Wait here

Watching the cars go by ( owner on his mobile phone). I went for a walk without a dog or a mobile phone - I was the odd man out

31 Dec 2015

52 visits

Work in Progress

27 Dec 2015

1 favorite

84 visits

First test of new 55-300 Zoom at 300mm

27 Dec 2015

50 visits

Buxton Baths

Test shots with new lens
1078 items in total