PS Waverley off Brodick (Isle of Arran)

Arran 1988

Folder: Western Scotland
Isle of Arran September 1998

01 Sep 1988

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129 visits

PS Waverley off Brodick (Isle of Arran)

See the Picture in Picture for a closer look at the Paddle Steamer Waverley. Seen from the Isle of Arran in 1988. A nostalgic photo with an ugly fence in the foreground that I have always disliked BUT now it can be part of a Happy Fence Friday. Good luck everyone. SEE for the latest news after an accident at Brodick took it out of service earlier in the year. It is being repaired.

01 Sep 1988

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92 visits

PS Waverley

Paddle Steamer, Firth of Clyde. Seen from Brodick, Isle of Arran

01 Sep 1988

1 favorite

90 visits

Waverley and CalMac Ferry - end of film !

01 Sep 1988

97 visits

Post Box on the String Road

Isle of Arran Brodick to Blackwaterfoot road

01 Sep 1988

78 visits

Goat Fell

01 Sep 1988

68 visits

PS Waverley at Brodick Pier

Isle of Arran 1988

01 Sep 1988

94 visits

PS Waverley at Brodick Pier

Vintage style processing

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04 Feb 2014

81 visits

CalMac Loch Ranza ferry

1988. Lochranza, Isle of Arran.