
Oban 1983

Holiday around Oban 1983 - based at Loch Awe but no photos of that area here ?

Quick scanned negatives

21 Apr 2024

17 visits


21 Apr 2024

11 visits

Cal Mac Ferry Caledonia at Oban

Roll on Roll off ferry to Isle of Mull in the early 1980s

21 Apr 2024

10 visits


21 Apr 2024

10 visits

Ganavan Bay, Oban

21 Apr 2024

10 visits


21 Apr 2024

15 visits

Loch Etive

21 Apr 2024

1 favorite

1 comment

16 visits

Loch Etive

21 Apr 2024

11 visits

View to Isle of Mull

21 Apr 2024

14 visits

Oban Ferry terminal

25 items in total