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11 Dec 2017

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The Shelf Moor side of Bleaklow in The Peak District National Park from Woodhead Road Glossop ( Cropped from wide 35mm shot ) - Edited in Adobe Lightroom with Fujuifim Camera Profile Pro Neg Hi - for those who are interested in that kind of detail :-) We had just a fraction of the snow forecasted - it all fell further south and west. Taken on this day: 2017 No snow today in 2020 Remember this time of year in previous years and tag them Tagged: Christmas-Past

28 Feb 2018

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snowing !

29/12/20. It’s been snowing for 3 hours and everything is turning white. Today I have the freedom to watch the snow fall.

03 Dec 2017

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Santa Claus helping Glossop MRT

Seen at a Christmas Market in 2017 Santa Claus was helping raise funds for the local Mountain Rescue Team

15 Dec 2019

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Winter Walk

This was a Winter Walk in 2019. The Winter days have unreliable weather so when the wind stops blowing and there is any bright sunshine it is good to go out for a walk and be quick because the daylight hours are so short. My Winter walk today in 2020 is on Blipfoto at In the evening there was a TV Programme called Winter Walks, yes that is why I chose the title. If you are in the UK you will be able to see it on BBC Iplayer. There were four different programmes on at the same time and which one you got to see depended on which part of the country you live in. Our programmes was the poet Lemn Sissay walking in Dentdale finishing at Dent Station, the highest UK station on a main line. This was Lemn’s tweet that alerted me to the programme.

15 Dec 2019

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On this day in 2019

This photo taken on my local walk into the Pennine Hills on 15/12/19 When the world was different in so many personal and International ways.

13 Dec 2011

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Mountain Hare

A Mountain Hare in Winter coat ... taken on this day in 2011. it is too wet to walk on the hills today 2020 .... A black day with heavy rain forecast all day. I reposted this just 1 year ago but it is such a special memory for me her it is again. The Hare’s change their colour to match the snow to avoid predators which works well if there is any snow but not well at all if it just keeps raining

01 Dec 2020

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Contrail reflection

uploaded 3/12/20 and I manually edited the date to make it my latest photo. No Uploads

07 Dec 2020

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A little snow on the hills ( Cool Processing )

07 Dec 2020

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A little snow on the hills

1042 items in total