Tree Pipit

Birds seen during 2019

Folder: All Wildlife
Not all good photos but all good birds.

25 Apr 2019

2 favorites

1 comment

31 visits

Tree Pipit

Wonderful... did its full song and short flight and parachute back to the same tree. But not the same branch its Spotted Flycatchers that do that.

28 Apr 2019

1 comment

57 visits


... not seen for a long time

18 Apr 2019

57 visits


The loudest song in the woods now his mate has turned up ( she avoided being photographed)

17 Apr 2019

1 favorite

1 comment

51 visits


Spring has sprung.... Swallows ( and Sand Martins seen) at the local Farm

17 Apr 2019

1 favorite

49 visits

Blackbird in the Woods

I was looking for PF

17 Apr 2019

1 favorite

52 visits

Brambling (F)

14 Apr 2019

3 favorites


38 visits

Coal Tit

Taken through a window

07 Apr 2019

20 visits

Buzzard over dead Bracken

05 Apr 2019

1 favorite

50 visits

Ring Ouzel 1 Wheatear 1

A distant view but good to see some migrant birds returning from Africa for the Summer
81 items in total