Looking back to the start of the walk

Bleaklow - to Overexposed B29 Aircrash site Oct 2009

Folder: Around Bleaklow
Old Glossop - Mossy Lea Farm - Shelf Benches - James's Thorn - Lower Shelf Stones - Higher Shelf Stones - Air crash site - return via Yellowslacks ridge

18 Oct 2009

1 favorite


64 visits

Looking back to the start of the walk

Stopped on the Doctors Gate path

18 Oct 2009

73 visits

Taking the high path

Leaving the Doctor's Gate path

18 Oct 2009

65 visits

Looking back again

On the way up James's Thorn

18 Oct 2009

72 visits

The track up James's Thorn

18 Oct 2009

69 visits

High pond

At the Stile near the top of James's Thorn

18 Oct 2009

59 visits

Fencing on James's Thorn

Looking South to Kinder Scout

18 Oct 2009

74 visits

Lower Shelf Stones

From James's Thorn

18 Oct 2009

58 visits

Dog Rock

From James's Thorn

18 Oct 2009

69 visits

At Lower Shelf Stones

Glossop in the haze
35 items in total