Tinker's videos

frozen bubbles - 3

01 Mar 2018 46
I hope you all appreciate just how much we froze our fingers doing this!

frozen bubbles - 2

01 Mar 2018 1 82
this time by day

frozen bubbles

01 Mar 2018 45
It was about -20C and we had to find a sheltered spot and shine a torch on it as we filmed


27 Feb 2018 42
at Mona's bird feeder

driving across the Storsjön (Great Lake)

25 Feb 2018 16
ice road over the frozen Storsjön (Great Lake)

inside and outside clothing

25 Feb 2018 38
speaking softly so I don't wake Mona after her night shift - here I am taking the outside clothes off and what is underneath for inside the steamy house (already removed the boots and mittens)

crunchy snow - with sound

25 Feb 2018 45
snow looks so soft and puffy, but it is very loud to walk on

fast bread baking

18 Feb 2018 54
It only takes about a minute to bake

me and my latest bestie Jefro

Owen's 8th birthday

What's Up - 2NonBlondes & 2SmallBlondes

24 Jan 2018 65
BJ and my contribution to the global Sense8 video of "What's Up" (originally by 4 Non Blondes) filmed in South Gippsland, Australia. Cinematographer: Owen Gornall

65 videos in total