

Arrived on 1 April 2018 (no joke)


06 Apr 2018 48
A photo of the church interior before it was "undecorated". It was originally a highly ornamental church, with paintings covering the walls and columns, and carved features. Because the paintings were all on dry walls, they eventually disintegrated over time and due to moisture. Most of the remaining decorations were removed after Vatican II and in line with their philosophy of simple living.


06 Apr 2018 46
Bas relief sculptures of St Martin, St John the Baptist baptising Christ, and the archangel St Michael, patron saint of Brussels, with the dragon he killed. (Britain's St George is the only other saint with this claim to fame)


06 Apr 2018 45
Denis and I could choose between the French or Dutch (Flemish) speaking tours, and we chose the Dutch one.


06 Apr 2018 46
The inner courtyard of Maredsous Abbey. All abbeys have one, and there should be no colour other than green (ie no flowers or painting), green being the colour of life and rebirth.


06 Apr 2018 23
The monks of Maredsous wear normal civvies, but wear robes for some occasions, and they are black in their case. For mass and some other ceremonies they wear white. This is the room where they put on their robes.


06 Apr 2018 44
The cloisters around the courtyard


06 Apr 2018 24
Where the former monks are buried. It only shows the date of their death, this being the date they start their new life


06 Apr 2018 46
Arched bridge connecting the abbey buildings


06 Apr 2018 45
For me, one of the typical characteristics of Belgium is being lost. The road signs are confusing or just not there at all. By the looks of it, pilots have the same problem.


06 Apr 2018 48
The avenue of linden trees which line the path from the Abbey to the trades school run by the monks in the past. Now it leads to the reception centre, eateries, shop, etc


06 Apr 2018 44
Our Dutch (Flemish) speaking guide explaining about the Maredsous cheese. Some of the ripening cheese is there behind the glass. It ripens over 22 days.


06 Apr 2018 44
"Maredsous is a semi-hard loaf-shaped cheese made from cow's milk. It is suitable for slicing, and characterised by an orange coloured rind. The cheese has been produced at Maredsous Abbey in Belgium since 1953."


06 Apr 2018 53
The special wrapping paper for the cheese made at Maredsous


06 Apr 2018 43
historic photos of the cheese makers at Maredsous Abbey. In the past the monks made it. Now professional cheesemakers work for them


06 Apr 2018 44
historic photos of the cheese makers at Maredsous Abbey. In the past the monks made it. Now professional cheesemakers work for them


06 Apr 2018 53
the avenue of linden trees looking back at the abbey


06 Apr 2018 49
After our guided tour, we also took the samples of their beer and cheese. Denis was driving, so I drank most of it, and once again was pretty legless. But in a good way


06 Apr 2018 47
We enquired inside the abbey about me staying there on a retreat but they were booked out. This poster was on the wall

716 items in total