Diana Australis' photos

HFF from the golden bovine

06 Jul 2021 52 40 357
Mysore, India, 2002. Harvest festival, when cows are coloured red and gold and green…and this one is in harmony with the fence! Today Mysore no longer has its streets like this, half full of cow drawn carts, but is a maddening noise of dense polluting motor vehicles. Sending warmest wishes for an enchanting weekend,for good health, and happiness

Heavy metal art…

05 Sep 2019 43 24 294
Tbilisi, Georgia. A most extraordinary piece of public art, made from recycled tools and metal scraps…a park bench, with patient dog and briefcase. A comfortable seat. And with a giant tree made of similar materials to overlook it. I loved the creativity implicit in the work.

Peruvian HFF

22 Sep 2016 65 45 329
An Inca set of relics high in the mountains of Peru. A much needed fence here. Please excuse me for not visiting. I am finding a few things a bit tough at the moment…living in a tiny caravan for over 14 months with Covid delays on house construction, in lockdown in a city I am just getting to know. My head is in a strange space. I look forward to returning to some normality some indeterminate time ahead. Sending hugs. Best thoughts for a fabulous weekend and a positive and cheerful new week. Diana

HFF from a brown cow

26 Aug 2021 49 34 368
On my walk the other day. May your weekend be safe and wonderful, and may your new week bring pleasure and happiness. A warm hug….D

HFF to all

29 Sep 2019 59 40 333
An autumn scene in the high Caucasus in Georgia. The town of Mestia in Svaneti. Wishing you a safe and super week-end, with best wishes. Thank you for your visits an comments

Cahill’s Crossing welcoming committee

20 Aug 2020 54 38 644
The man-eating saltwater crocodiles at Cahill’s Crossing in Kakadu UNESCO listed National Park in remote Northern Territory of Australia. Waiting for fish on an incoming tide, or for a car with stupid occupants to wash off the causeway. They line both sides of that causeway …up to 60 of them…WAITING…..

Running the gauntlet…at Cahills Crossing

20 Aug 2020 38 21 429
This is the causeway from Thé UNESCO listedKakadu National Park to the remote Aboriginal community of Oenpelli. The crossing is tidal. At low tide up to 60 saltwater crocodiles( they eat people) line the causeway waiting for the tide to bring in fish. They swim in and line up with open mouths. Some silly people like to cross the causeway on a strong incoming tide, like this. If the car was washed off, no one would help and the occupants could well be eaten. It does happen, believe me! All the lumps and bumps in the water are crocodiles. There are lots of online videos of the Cahills Crossing crocs. There are no rescue facilities nearby.

HFF from desert South Australia

06 Jul 2021 57 42 322
Parachilna’s Prairie Hotel is way out on the old Ghan Railway track in northern South Australia. It is legendary to travellers on this road north for its cuisine, with local emu, camel and kangaroo on the menu. Delicious food, and a fascinating remote place. It was a watering stop on the old line…blink and you miss the place! HFF to all. A happy and interesting weekend to you. Keep safe. Thanks for any visits and comments…I am delighted by them!

Purnululu National Park

20 Jun 2014 57 36 339
UNESCO World Heritage Listed, The Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park is one of the most striking geological landmarks in Northern Western Australia, offering a remote wilderness experience. They cover around 250,000 hectares with thousands of weathered, sculpted domes of ancient eroded mountains composed of Cyanobacteria layers sandwiched in layers of sandstone, giving a dark striped effect. The land is arid, but I found a single rock pool, probably with a small spring supplying it. It is remote and access is by 4WD or super tough vehicle.

Autumn in Kamchatka

06 Sep 2014 72 52 315
In an old Soviet gulag on the Arctic Circle, in the far north of the Russian Far East. In polar bear territory, on the Bering Sea. The summer and autumn are super short…. It has scaffolding and a tiny bit of fence, I promise! Keep well everyone…please! A wonderful weekend to you…and warm wishes.

Black breasted buzzard

26 Aug 2020 50 29 488
This large Australian raptor is very skilled at tool use, using rocks to break the tough shells of emu eggs. No other bird does this. Emu eggs have a hard and thick exterior and really need force and tools to break them open. This was photographed in a bird park in Central Australia. This is a replica emu egg…the bird being rewarded with a tasty morsel for opening it.

À bovine HFF to you

06 Jul 2009 50 39 310
À street in Lucknow, capital of Uttar Pradesh, India. I adore the random contrasts of street life in India. Here, while wandering, you can buy some fruit, a gun or two, and bump into some cows on the footpath. Have a happy Friday, and a welcome and productive weekend. Above all stay safe and well.

Central Australia

08 Sep 2020 43 31 270
In the red, desert heart of my land…the awe inspiring Kings Canyon ( Watarrka National Park) up which we climbed and hiked last year on a 38C day. It is literally hundreds of kilometres from anything…except more desert!


17 Jul 2013 35 28 317
HFF from a hilarious advertisement in Madhya Pradesh, India. Have a fabulous Friday and a well deserved and safe weekend ….with sun! Best wishes from Down Under

On thé street….Olinda, Brazil

22 Oct 2016 34 16 254
Olinda is as all historic Portuguese city in Pernambuco, Brasil. Nowadays it is an artists’ haven and has a giant annual Carneval. A Carneval figure sits atop this house, which is cheerfully painted. It is about 15 km from Recife, and is a feast for the eyes and spirit. We spent a week there, and I adored it. Very un touristed.

HFF from Singapore

10 Jul 2013 54 38 307
Cheerful yellow for an end of week smile. Have a wild and woolly weekend and a super interesting and safe new week! Lots of good wishes xxxxx

Wild rainbow lorikeets

27 Aug 2020 49 32 314
At Litchfield in the Northern Territory in Australia, the morning filling of a nectar bowl brought in dozens of wild lorikeets in a feeding frenzy. It was beautiful to watch ! It looks great large size

HFF from Shekhawati

08 Jul 2009 60 52 360
Nawalgarh, in India, with its crumbling historic painted havelis, the former homes of extremely wealthy merchants. I was walking, taking photos, when I felt a thump in the middle of my back. It was this giant bull, a creature of privilege, walking the streets of its territory and bumping people out of the way. I moved, quickly! Have a top Friday, a weekend of sun and happiness, and a great new week ahead. Your visits and comments are so very appreciated.

2128 photos in total