Baybridge sunset

Bay Bridge

Since 1956, Batemans Bay has had a lifting bridge across the Clyde River for the Princes Highway which follows the coast from Sydney to Melbourne. While lifting bridges were once common, particularly in NSW, this is the last such still operating, going up daily for the tourist boat, then again on its return. Needless to say, that causes quite a bit of traffic disruption, particularly in holiday …  (read more)

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30 May 2021

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The initial disconnect

For those not familiar with this series, our old steel bridge is being replaced by a new concrete one. The first section of the old bridge now has been removed, the resulting gap being visible between the navigation lights at left. This section has apparently been removed to provide a channel for boats, allowing the main lifting section to stay down while it is dismantled. I rather like this viewed large on black. Another Friday is here, so Happy Fence Friday, everyone.

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22 Jun 2021

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Two spans down

Best viewed large. Our new bridge and the old one in the process of being dismantled, at this stage with two of the spans removed - interestingly they are removed intact by bringing a barge beneath them at low tide, then floating them away to shore when the barge lifts with the tide. HFF and best wishes for a safe and enjoyable weekend, everyone.

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01 Jul 2021

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One gone!

The barge in the background (R) has removed one of the two iconic towers from the old bridge, with the span on which it stood, and taken it to the shore where it is being dismantled. Meanwhile, the concrete counterweight of the other lifting tower has now been removed. Best viewed large, I'd suggest. If you have a few moments, I highly recommend the drone photos in this link showing the barge commencing the span removal. Another week gone! All my best wishes for a very Happy Fence Friday and for a safe and enjoyable weekend, everyone.

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14 Jul 2021

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There it goes!

The remaining tower span of our old bridge has now been removed on this barge. Waiting for it was the large crane, laying tracks on which to haul the massive bogies now carrying the span (also visible in the first PiP). I was on a shopping trip and very thankful I had my phone with me! HFF, stay safe and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

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20 Jul 2021

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The last has gone

The final box span has now been removed from the old bridge (see earlier images in this series). Work is now underway to begin the removal of the fixed end sections (see PiP). Wishing everyone a very Happy Fence Friday, followed by a healthy and enjoyable weekend.

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29 Jul 2021

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The bridge working area

Late afternoon views of the main working area for the demolition of the old bridge. Another week gone! Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend after a Happy Fence Friday.

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04 Aug 2021

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Next section?

It seems likely the next stage of demolition of the old bridge will be to remove this remaining end section, with the large crane working from the barge. In the background on the right, the daily tourist boat is heading up the river. Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a safe and enjoyable weekend.

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17 Aug 2021

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More bridgeworks

Work on the bridge continues - choose your fence! Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend, after a Happy Fence Friday.

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11 Aug 2021

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Work goes on

A different view of the construction work on our new bridge and the associated roadworks. Best viewed large. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy weekend, for now it's Happy Fence Friday to you all.
43 items in total