Fungal underside


Folder: Nature

28 Jan 2018

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695 visits

Fungal underside

I shall not pretend to know the species of this fungus, suffice to say that it was about 2.5cm across and growing from the side of a plastic garden pot that had fractured. A second shot in the note shows the upper surfaces.

04 Sep 2018

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In the forest

Fungus growing on a fallen Banksia trunk. I rather like how it's grown around the grass stem at left.

13 Oct 2018

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448 visits

Some fungi

Following a few drops of rain recently, some fungi have appeared. Explored.

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19 Apr 2016

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Fungi taking over

Fungi on rotting timber in temperate rainforest, NSW south coast. Explored.

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19 Apr 2016

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A tasty salad?

How about a salad of freshly picked rainforest fungus, sitting in a bed of green mosses? Don't even think about it ! Most Australian fungi are toxic beyond belief. Macro Mondays No 176, 26 October 2020. Topic "Toxic".

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09 May 2021

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Where are the fairies?

I'd seen photos of Fly Agaric toadstools overseas, but although I had read that they have found their way to Australia, these were the first I'd seen. Apparently they usually grow near pine trees and that was indeed the case, but I had been led to believe that they are associated with fairies. Maybe if I'd taken a bite I'd have also seen those as these apparently have hallucinogenic properties. :-) See also PiP (copied below).

13 May 2021

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Honey Fungus

This is "Australian Honey Fungus", which apparently is widespread in southern Australia and is parasitic, killing eucalyptus trees. The scientific title is Armillaria luteobubalina, and it may even be edible, though I certainly wouldn't be inclined to try it!

12 Jun 2021

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Fungus on log

I have identified this fungus as being from the Calocera sinsensis group, but I cannot be more specific as apparently there are several varieties which can be differentiated only with a microscope - not something I carry, :-)

28 Mar 2022

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196 visits

Fascinating fungus

Walking in the Murramarang National Park, I was fascinated by these fungi (up to about 15cm across - see second image in PiP). After spending some time working to identify them, I'm fairly sure they are Ghost Fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis) which glows in the dark (see this link). Unfortunately they're a bit far for a night walk, so I must look for some closer examples to get a shot of them glowing.
10 items in total