SuperMarina's photos

Morning coffee

Good morning, Vancouver!

01 Jul 2008 1 530
And have a happy Canada Day!

Self portrait with moving background

Lake Union

28 Jun 2008 1 1 352
A red tram brightens up the otherwise grey streets of Seattle...

The Earth is Flat

16 Jun 2008 2 3 564
Really, it is!

Admiring the river

13 Jun 2008 2 3 471
Really, the force of the water is impressive. I just wish it would stay where it belongs.

The pond was never this large before...

13 Jun 2008 2 389
There actually is a pond down here, but it too has been taken over by the Iowa River, which has been rising to unprecedented levels the last few weeks and is still rising. My apartment now sits on an island, and I'm not sure I can make it in to work tomorrow. And my internet connection is down.

St. Andrew's

26 May 2008 3 2 484
I don't know why, but this church door fascinated me.

I think my VISA card expired...

26 May 2008 8 1313
This shot just reminded me of the little pigeon hologram on visa cards. And since it is landing away from me it can't symbolize another credit card landing in my mail box. And that is of course a good thing!

Fish & Chips

26 May 2008 4 375
He's only got the chips.

Coming in for landing

Did I see a snack?!!!

Heading for the camera...

Flying away

17 May 2008 411
... and I'll be gone for a while...

A little bit of sunshine

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.