SuperMarina's photos


Living dangerously

The beach

31 Aug 2008 4 2 505
So far, all I have managed to photograph after moving to California. And work is threatening to demand more and more of my time...


30 Aug 2008 24 13 1226
I couldn't quite get all my pelicans in a row...

Michigan Avenue

12 Aug 2007 1 433
I think I may miss Chicago...

Somewhere else

Somewhere in Utah

Under construction

I guess this is a good thing?

Summer in Seattle

03 Jul 2008 9 2 521
It really does rain a lot, but the locals seem to enjoy it...

It went swimmingly...


29 Jun 2008 397
Sleeping, on the rocks!

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.