eye church, suffolk

suffolk churches 3

Folder: english churches by county

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 78
monument of naval surgeon john brown, +1732, showing the good samaritan

tostock church, suffolk

29 Dec 2012 97
early c18 tombstone complete with slab and foot stone

cowlinge church, suffolk

26 Dec 2012 62
brick tower built by francis dickins in 1733

wissett church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 74
whilst the round tower and nave are c11 and c12, the chancel is mostly early c18 , the nave having been extended in the late middle ages, and the east wall had to be rebuilt c.1990 after storm damage.

wissett church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 69
c18 vestry and chancel

chediston church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 54
aaron from the c18 reredos

chediston church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 70
moses from the c18 reredos

chediston church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 55
c18 reredos with decalogue and creed

chediston church, suffolk

27 Dec 2012 68
aaron from the c18 reredos

redgrave church bat

07 Sep 2010 78
c21 bat, one of many living in this church

eye church

28 Aug 2011 98
good modern tombstone to john mcleod, 2008, presumably a musician

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 90
looking past the c19 font at the west end towards the c15 screen, with its comper rood group of 1925.

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 97
east side of comper's c20 loft over the c15 rood screen

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 144
comper font canopy, early c20

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 74
comper seraph of 1925, part of his rood group[

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 124
c14 tomb canopy, with figure of virgin of 1973 by lough pendred

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 93
east side of comper's c20 loft over the c15 rood screen

eye church, suffolk

09 Mar 2013 87
gilded angel looming out of the gloom , restored by comper to the roof in the early c20

1354 items in total