Lake Elmenteita

Africa - Kenya

Folder: Africa

Lion on the move

Spotted Hyaena

Cheetah in Samburu

Cheetah in Samburu

Cheetah in Samburu

Black-backed Jackal

African Elephant

Mt Kenya waterhole scene

African Elephant gathering at the Mt Kenya waterho…

15 Dec 2014 111
An amazing sight!

Buffalo and Elephant

15 Dec 2014 98
African Buffalo are really huge - almost on a par with elephants. There was obvious respect between the two species.

Buffalo and Elephant

15 Dec 2014 90
This baby Elephant left the security of the herd to try threatening some Buffalo.

African Elephant and calf

African Elephant

African Elephant drinking

White-throated Guenon monkey

15 Dec 2014 152
These are notorious at the Mountain Lodge on Mt Kenya as they often dive into rooms to grab any food. There are lots of races of the Guenons (Cercopithecus), this one being C. nictitans mitis (or albogularis). The taxonomy seems somewhat confused due to the number of subtly different races.

Olive Baboon feeding

Olive Baboon family

167 items in total