Steve Garland's photos

St Valentine's Peak - a view from the top

29 Mar 2023 47
We could see for miles. However, a lot of the surrounding forests are plantations, not native forest. Also a lot is non-native species, such as Pines.

The path to St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 52
We passed through some lovely wild forest.

St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 1 50
This is the view up from the lower track, before we entered the forest.

Flock of Silver Gulls

29 Mar 2023 52
On the beach at Penguin, on the north coast.

Narawntapu National Park

29 Mar 2023 45
Sand-dune footpath

Hopper (a bug)

29 Mar 2023 46
A froghopper found in the dunes in Narawntapu National Park. It is covered in sand-grains.

Small crab on the beach

29 Mar 2023 49
There were a lot of these around in the morning near the campsite in Narawntapu National Park.

Narawntapu National Park

29 Mar 2023 45
Belinda on the very long beach.

Frog in the garden of Hawley House Hotel

29 Mar 2023 1 47
It doesn't match any of the Tasmanian Frogs listed online - a mystery (quite a large frog, about 8-19cm long)

Squid boats in Triabunna Harbour

29 Mar 2023 45
There are rows of lights hanging around the boats. They shine them at night to attract the squid to be netted.

Leaving Maria Island

Forest on Maria Island

Leaf Beetle on Maria Island

Plant bug on Maria Island

The Fossil Cliffs on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 43
We passed this great view on our way to climbing the Bishop and Clerk rocks.

Pyralid moth

29 Mar 2023 39
A tiny moth that I found sitting on dried Wombat dung on Maria Island.

Original buildings on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 39
These were part of the penal colony, but are now used as tourist accommodation.


29 Mar 2023 39
This cute animal visited us in the 'kitchen' at the Maria Island campsite.

1739 items in total