India Gate, New Delhi

India November 2009

Folder: Asia
Photos from our visit to India in November 2009. We spent all of our time in Assam in Kaziranga, Manas, Orang and Nameri National Parks/ Wildlife Reserves. We had one manic day at the start whizzing around New Delhi.

India Gate, New Delhi

07 Nov 2009 210
Being a hot-spot for tourist visits, this was one of the worst places we visited for being hassled! The picture also illustrates the chronic air-pollution afflicting New Delhi.

Humuyan's Tomb, New Delhi

07 Nov 2009 137
This wonderful building is part of a huge complex of buildings, this being one of the oldest bits (dating from the late 1500's.

Elephant ride in Kaziranga

11 Nov 2009 204
This was the smallest elephant we rode. The bigger ones were painful on the legs (very wide!). You can get really close to wildlife when on an elephant. (Picture taken by our guide, Sanjiv)

Belinda and I riding an elephant in Kaziranga

11 Nov 2009 179
You get much closer to the wildlife when you're on an elephant. (Picture taken by our guide, Sanjiv)

Chewing Rhino

12 Nov 2009 1 127
Grazing female photographed from elephant-back in Kaziranga NP

One-horned Rhinoceros - Kaziranga NP

12 Nov 2009 155
Female Indian Rhinoceros. Seen from elephant-back ride early in the morning in Kaziranga National Park, Assam

Bull Rhinoceros - Kaziranga NP

07 Dec 2009 1 160
Massive Bull Rhino running out onto the track about 30 feet behind our open jeep!

Tense Rhino

12 Nov 2009 140
Once this Rhinoceros had climbed up onto the road it stared at us with its ears alert. We looked at each other for about 20 seconds before it relaxed and walked over to its dung heap. It was only 10 or 15 metres away - this was a very memorable 20 seconds as we were looking up at it (it's 2m high at the shoulder!), sitting in the back of a small open jeep!

Young Indian Rhino in Kaziranga

12 Nov 2009 155
You can see an Indian Mynah bird perched on its back.

Indian Lorries in Kaziranga village

12 Nov 2009 168
The lorries do a maximum of 50 mph and you must honk your horn before overtaking them or they won't move over!

Huge female wild Asian Elephant in Kaziranga

10 Nov 2009 167
Surprisingly they are very nervous and this one didn't hang around for long!

Asian Elephants in central Kaziranga

09 Nov 2009 169
A family group of Asian Elephants. The females have no tusks, unlike the African Elephant. The marshes here are covered with Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) which is introduced from South America and is quite a problem.

Wild Buffalo - Kaziranga

11 Nov 2009 133
Photographed in the evening. Kaziranga is one of the few places where truly wild Water Buffalo still occur.

Wild Buffalo - Kaziranga

10 Nov 2009 146
Photographed at dawn. Kaziranga is one of the few places where truly wild Water Buffalo still occur.

Kaziranga 2009

12 Nov 2009 145
Classic view across the wetlands and grasslands of Kaziranga. If you look closely there are at least twelve rhinos (two females have small babies)

Crested Serpent Eagle - Kaziranga

09 Nov 2009 174
On our last day we saw one of these flying along with a bright yellow and green snake in its claws!

African Fish Eagles' nest

Black-necked Stork - Kaziranga

10 Nov 2009 121
The largest stork in India; about 1.4 metres tall.

52 items in total