Main Range, Botanic Gardens in the Snow

Fujinon Lenses

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Prince Albert Statue

01 Sep 2023 7 6 95
George Square, Glasgow

Whooper Swan

29 Aug 2023 7 4 111
Denny's Dock, River Leven, Dumbarton

River Leven

River Leven

Dumbarton Heritage Trail

27 Aug 2023 5 8 60
Former Macmillan Shipyard Offices 3 High Street; 1881-88 The Italianate offices for the important Macmillan Shipyard later became the offices of Hiram Walker, the Canadian distiller taken over by Allied Distillers in 1988. It subsequently became a rather unhappy, badly altered classical building (witness the concrete attic storey); after a vacant period, it became the offices of the Procurator Fiscal and more recently a public house. Quoted from the Dumbarton Heritage Trail Leaflet

Buchanan Street


25 Aug 2023 3 4 58
Buchanan Street, Glasgow

Argyle Street

St Enoch Square

Skiffle Group

25 Aug 2023 5 8 105
St Enoch Centre, Glasgow


25 Aug 2023 3 8 57
Buchanan Street, Glasgow

Chewbacca and Darth Vader

25 Aug 2023 3 4 63
Starbucks, St Enioch Centre, Glasgow


25 Aug 2023 3 4 69
Starbucks, St Enioch Centre, Glasgow

Star Wars in Starbucks

25 Aug 2023 3 6 67
St Enioch Centre, Glasgow

"Watchin' You, Watchin' Me"

25 Aug 2023 2 4 76
Argyle Street, Glasgow

"Penny Lane"

25 Aug 2023 4 10 96
Argyle Street, Glasgow

581 items in total