Maria's Candlelights!

Memorial, religion

04 May 2020

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109 visits

Maria's Candlelights!

Onze~Lieve~Vrouw~ten~Poelkerk Grote Markt Tienen December 10th 2023 Worldwide Candle Lighting Day Belgium match boxe : these wooden match boxe is from the 1920s made by the Union Match Company of Belgium. I like the bright colors

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26 Dec 2018

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104 visits

*Merry Christmas* to all of you

This is the Christmas crib on Leuven's Grote Markt with Maria ~ Jozef ~ Baby Jesus ~ Angel Gabriel ~ Three Wise Men/Kings Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar ~ Shepherd with lamb

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28 Dec 2021

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105 visits

*Merry Christmas*Happy New Year*

This is the Christmas crib on Leuven's Grote Markt with Maria ~ Jozef ~ Baby Jesus ~ Angel Gabriël ~ the Three Wise Men/Kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, who followed the star from the East to find the newborn baby Jesus in Bethlehem ~ Shepherd with lamb. Here the 3 Kings on a maternity visit to the baby Jesus Wishing you Happy New Year with love, lots of warmth in your life, good health and peace for all Warmest New Year's Eve since records began: 16,3°C in Uccle. Nature is confused a clear consequence of global warming

08 Jan 2023

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85 visits

the Queen and Three Kings on visit

the Three Kings came from far and passed by, all sang the Three Kings song, with such cold weather and freezing wind they were all in good spirits and all had red cheeks, real sweethearts with capon strokes Children singing from door to door, an ancient tradition passed from one generation to the next generation On Sunday 8th January 2023 the Flurken went to sing Three Kings for charity, this year the Dirk Verheyden Fund = part of the King Baudouin Foundation. And after singing, everyone could come and eat Spaghetti in the congregation hall National Girl Scout Leaders Day March 12th

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06 Dec 2022

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*Christmas* lights on everywhere as the end of year approaches

Historic Town Hall Leuven The ancient city hall is Leuven's pride and joy. It is also one of the most famous Gothic town halls in the world. The first stone was laid in 1439

18 Oct 2022

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62 visits

Autumn foliage at its peak in Golden October

Brussels' St Michael and St Gudula Cathedral (XVth century) national church of Belgium in Brabant Gothic February 24th marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. This is commemorated in various places around the world. Buildings turn yellow~blue

17 Oct 2022

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51 visits

A waving Belgian flag : we are welCome

this hidden gem appeared out of nowhere in the centre of Brussels, I was actually looking my way, it was a surprise for me to see it back in this alley in all its glory, framed by the houses: the morning sun on Brussels' St Michael and St Gudula Cathedral, national church of Belgium in Brabant Gothic, the Belgian flag flying in the wind when the King is in the country Kanselarijstraat Brussels Rue des Chancellors