Beautiful draft horses accompanied by handsome men galloping


02 Sep 2019

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98 visits

Beautiful draft horses accompanied by handsome men galloping

Paardenshow van Vlaams~Brabantse trekpaarden de veeprijskamp op het Sint~Jacobsplein Leuven Farmers from all over Flanders come to show off beautiful draft horses, warmbloods, shetlanders, cattle, goats and sheep. The smartest animal in the series goes home with a medal. The Belgian draft horse, famous since the time of the Romans and in international demand to this day, is a living cultural heritage. The cattle competition is a high mass of traditions

02 Sep 2019

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292 visits

Beautiful draft horses patiently in a row

Flemish Brabant draft horses with covered wagon. Vlaams-Brabantse trekpaarden met huifkar op een rij de ‘biestemèt’ (veemarkt) in de Heilige Geeststraat Leuven Farmers from all over Flanders come to show off beautiful draft horses, warmbloods, shetlanders, cattle, goats and sheep. The smartest animal in the series goes home with a medal. The Belgian draft horse, famous since the time of the Romans and in international demand to this day, is a living cultural heritage. The cattle competition is a high mass of traditions My grandmother's horse was a Flemish Brabant draught horse Francine. My grandmother cultivated chicory, a tradition she maintained all her life

20 Oct 2019

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145 visits

the water as a mirror

Sunday walk in the Park in autumn colours Park van Tervuren on the occasion of World Animal Day

08 Oct 2019

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176 visits

Steep green parkland silently slopes down to the lake

Park van Tervuren on the occasion of World Animal Day

24 Apr 2020

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128 visits

Everyone is coming out with this beautiful spring weather and I am enjoying the beautiful things on the way in my hometown

Spring flowering bulbs: daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses In the garden of my parents at the back there are birdhouses here and there, when feeding them, my father could catch a robin, it was very quiet and beautiful as he knew my father

07 Jul 2020

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125 visits

Time for the Red Flames somewhere along the way

All birds are descended from dinosaurs, but the chicken is genetically the most similar to a dinosaur. Anyone who has seen the film 'Jurassic Park' would not indicate the terrifying creatures, but of the animals still living, Tyrannosaurus rex is genetically closest to chickens and ostriches. It was previously known that birds descended from dinosaurs but bone research now shows that chickens and ostriches are more similar to the extinct giants than reptiles such as crocodiles and lizards.

01 Aug 2020

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108 visits

a fine welcome every time on my visit

I got a pleasant welcome from Misty my sister's pet cat, she recognized my voice and came to say *Hello* to me so sweetly for World Friendship Day

14 Aug 2020

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107 visits

the players are playing JAZZ

Refreshment at the crystal clear Jazzy Animal Water Fountain for everyone everyday The crocodiles, the hippopotamus, the lizard, the pelican, the turtle and the frog play Jazz for the Green. The drumming crocodile, the salamander plays the sax, the hippo with the trombone and the frog plays the accordion Bandundu Water Jazz Band is a work of art in the Belgian municipality of Tervuren in the province of Flemish Brabant. The sculpture was made in 2005 by the Belgian sculptor Tom Frantzen. Avenue de Tervurenlaan on the edge of the Sonian Forest

18 Aug 2020

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132 visits

a pleasant welcome on the way

I had chickens myself once and when I ironed my laundry on my terrace in good weather, my 6 brown chickens would come and keep me company on my terrace, they sat next to each other and looked at me all the time how I did my ironing, a nice mess, they were so curious, when they saw movement, they came out of their henhouse all in a row towards the water pump, I had to say Hello to them each in turn and gave them fresh water and food, this was every day, the daily things of life, they gave me tasty eggs and a lot of friendship and they came to keep me company, still a nice memory
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