have Breakfast like an Emperor and Lunch like a King

Food and drink

13 Dec 2021

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123 visits

have Breakfast like an Emperor and Lunch like a King

HEALTHY? OF COURSE! SAIN ? NATURELLEMENT ! GESUND? NATÜRLICH! GEZOND? NATUURLIJK! Avenue Louis Bertrandlaan Schaarbeek Belgium Beautiful location in Brussels with a very relaxed atmosphere, I was accompanied with colleagues, the food was very good, I would recommend the Anatolian breakfast which gives you a lot of energy Petit~déjeuner Anatolien. Petit~déjeuner energizer. Petit~déjeuner continental. Le Happy Brunch. Cassolettes. Cassolette aux œufs miroir. Deux oeufs sur ... with freshly squeezed orange juice

13 Jun 2020

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110 visits

Delicious flavours of home~grown sun~ripened Red fruit

Dramatically increasing drought before the harvest due to drinking water scarcity and sun rays, yet there was only 1 rainbow to be seen throughout the year, it was a full rainbow clearly visible a Delicious Dessert of the day in simple red, feast on the terrace in the sun, a handful every now and then won't hurt at all HEALTHY? OF COURSE! SAIN ? NATURELLEMENT ! GESUND? NATÜRLICH! GEZOND? NATUURLIJK! I hope you like this as much as I do

22 Sep 2019

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225 visits

the First white grapes in the greenhouse

HEALTHY? OF COURSE! SAIN ? NATURELLEMENT ! GESUND? NATÜRLICH! GEZOND? NATUURLIJK! Grapes on the vine in Vrebos for the Grape Harvest Festival

23 Sep 2014

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192 visits

Pumpkin harvest on the way

Pompoenoogst in de Voerpoel nabij de Watertoren Vrebos Everberg Kortenberg Pumpkin harvest in the Feed Pool near the Water Tower Vrebos Everberg Kortenberg enough pumpkins to make Halloween pumpkin... And pumpkin soup of course HEALTHY? OF COURSE! SAIN ? NATURELLEMENT ! GESUND? NATÜRLICH! GEZOND? NATUURLIJK!

29 Jun 2019

21 favorites


345 visits

Two pairs of Cherry~red earrings for the girls

HEALTHY? OF COURSE! SAIN ? NATURELLEMENT ! GESUND? NATÜRLICH! GEZOND? NATUURLIJK! June 29th National Camera Day July 16th National Cherry Day I hope you like this as much as I do