the World in Miniature anno 2018


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21 Sep 2018

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221 visits

the World in Miniature anno 2018

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06 Dec 2022

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99 visits

*Christmas* lights on everywhere as the end of year approaches

Historic Town Hall Leuven The ancient city hall is Leuven's pride and joy. It is also one of the most famous Gothic town halls in the world. The first stone was laid in 1439

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28 Dec 2021

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104 visits

*Merry Christmas*Happy New Year*

This is the Christmas crib on Leuven's Grote Markt with Maria ~ Jozef ~ Baby Jesus ~ Angel Gabriël ~ the Three Wise Men/Kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, who followed the star from the East to find the newborn baby Jesus in Bethlehem ~ Shepherd with lamb. Here the 3 Kings on a maternity visit to the baby Jesus Wishing you Happy New Year with love, lots of warmth in your life, good health and peace for all Warmest New Year's Eve since records began: 16,3°C in Uccle. Nature is confused a clear consequence of global warming

03 May 2023

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147 visits

Visiting my next~door neighbour Mathilde

My neighbour Mathilde invited me to come over and to have a chat with her, a pleasant conversation about the past and what it has become now, on March the 30th she became 94 years young time to honour her, she was a close friend of my beloved grandmother Maria, I still miss her very much every day until now with a lot of pain in my heart. I still think of my beloved grandmother every day, she was the crown of the family that kept everyone together, very wise lady who keeps in touch with everyone, she is much loved here