Stuck in the greenhouse

Eyes on me

23 Jul 2019

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129 visits

Stuck in the greenhouse

Cabbage White ~ Pieris brassicae stuck in between the grape growers in the greenhouse

21 Jun 2019

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201 visits

Everyone famous ~ Mathilde's preferred time

Everyone can color, up to your 100th! It relaxes and trains your brain. Mathilde, 90 years old and my neighbour has already colored 10 books full. Mathilde is one of the four women who, together with 3 other women, attended the same first year of the municipal school. Every now and then they come to visit each other and they have been doing so all their lives, they look forward to seeing each other and to catch up on the everyday things of their lives just beautiful. Congratulations, Mathilde, what an enthusiasm ! May 16th Drawing Day

25 Jun 2020

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128 visits

Eyes on me

cirrus clouds that are high veil clouds (height 6 km and more) that consist entirely of ice crystals in the blue sky, this was seen unchanged for about 1 hour

View on map

16 Jan 2021

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186 visits

Snowflakes swirl down over Flanders, colouring today's world in white and black

Snow field in the Park van Tervuren, Keizerinnedreef tree lined lane traffic free ~ A snowy landscape is not forever, the memory of it is already 43 years ago I cycled home from school in all weathers, the 6 km ride was amazing, every day I rode past the ponds and the museum, it did me good to breathe the pure oxygen it gave me a lot of energy. I like to remember the everyday beautiful things and it makes me very happy to be there again, all those beautiful memories come back as if it were yesterday, it was so nice because time flies, it is as if time has stood still here

09 Sep 2022

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113 visits

the Sky is crying a sad day for everyone worldwide

After weeks and months of heat wave ☔ rain fell over Belgium again accompanied by thunder and lightning and a rainbow, the sky is crying a sad day for everyone worldwide due to the obituary of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II on September 8 2022 Straw dolls are popping up here and there in Flemish Brabant, playful figures made with rolls or bales of straw. The initiative comes from the Groene Kring, the organization of young farmers, who want to show that they are proud of their farming trade and they would like to continue like this in the future Teddy Bear Picnic Day is celebrated every year on 10 July September 9th National Teddy Bear Day intersection of the Langestraat with the Kleine Puystraat Neerijse Belgium

30 Nov 2022

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134 visits

a fine welcome every time on my visit

Once your friend Always your friend! When I visit my sister and brother~in~law, I say hello to everyone, Misty immediately recognises my voice suddenly she shows up, I really appreciate such a pleasant welcome. She is friends with all animals: squirrels, neighbourhood cats, they all get to come over and eat with Misty. She is liked by the neighbours too, completely as she likes it. I think it's cool she is the Boss at home! She likes to have visitors otherwise the day is boring... At the smell of the BBQ, a trio of squirrels come up to the bird's nest on the terrace to eat at grains and nuts, Misty accompanying her friends, sits there watching them and allow the whole thing to happen February 20th National Love Your Pet Day

25 Apr 2023

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133 visits

Spring~in~the~field in the countryside

this one put its paws nicely side by side, with its manes in the wind, stood nicely for this picture, in the background a view of the hilly landscape of Vrebos my hometown one of the highest points in Flemish~Brabant

03 May 2023

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147 visits

Visiting my next~door neighbour Mathilde

My neighbour Mathilde invited me to come over and to have a chat with her, a pleasant conversation about the past and what it has become now, on March the 30th she became 94 years young time to honour her, she was a close friend of my beloved grandmother Maria, I still miss her very much every day until now with a lot of pain in my heart. I still think of my beloved grandmother every day, she was the crown of the family that kept everyone together, very wise lady who keeps in touch with everyone, she is much loved here