
Year of the Monkey

Folder: Yearly albums

Duck season!

22 Aug 2016 29 51 448
Inspired by Chris10 and me =D

There's always a reason for garbage season

Mr Nobody on the spot

Tree of (two) spirits

20 Aug 2016 37 43 648
Soundtrack by Daniel Durrett: soundcloud.com/danieldurrett/spirit Because this mighty tree gave me the inspiration! =) "In Greek mythology, the spruce is devoted to Artemis, goddess of the Moon and of the wild, protective life of the women which it assists deliveries: the spruce is the tree of birth. This tradition is taken back by the Christians: the spruce is linked to the birth of Jesus, which is celebrated on December 24th, date of solstice and revival of the sun. It is in Alsace where appears the "Christmas tree", which was often a spruce branch." - European Trees "Spruce trees are mythologically important plants among Southwestern tribes, where they are symbols of the sky and directional guardians of the north. According to Hopi myth, the spruce tree was once a medicine man, Salavi, who transformed himself into a tree. For this reason, spruce trees are considered particularly sacred to the Hopis, who use spruce boughs to adorn kachina dancers." - Native Languages of the Americas In Finnish mythology, the spruce tree provides protection for the dwelling. A spruce tree is still often guarding the old farm houses. And there is a saying that advices one to listen the spirit of this spruce tree, for advices and wisdom. But spruce branches symbolise also death. I guess it is because spruce branches is cut to commemorate the death ones. This picture I took as inspired by The Sunday Challenge: 'Monochrome Triptych'. I first was felt very inspired indeed. Then during my Saturday morning promenade, I almost gave up because of lack of inspiration! On one part I do not like to shoot in monochrome, because I personally feel it limits my creativity, and because I love colours! But then my feet took me to local cemetery, and I saw this mighty spruce... And it convinced me it would look great also in monochrome. So, I tried to do my best to salute the tree. For the triptych format I chose what is considered as "original portable triptych". The side panels are exactly half of the wide of the middle: "A triptych (/ˈtrɪptɪk/ TRIP-tik; from the Greek adjective τρίπτυχον "triptukhon" ("three-fold"), from tri, i.e., "three" and ptysso, i.e., "to fold" or ptyx, i.e., "fold") is a work of art (usually a panel painting) that is divided into three sections, or three carved panels that are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open." - Wikipedia I chose this as reference to "a popular standard format for altar paintings from the Middle Ages onwards". I'm personally sort of pagan or agnostic, but I do find nature and wildlife as a source of inspiration and place where to put my mind into rest. This could very well be my very personal altar image in a place where I could meditate. Except, it would then be a colour image! ;-) Notice also intentional use of basic photography aspect ratios: 3:4s on sides, and 6:4 (3:2) in the middle. And for the monochrome colour I chose sepia because it just worked best, I think...

Against the weather

19 Aug 2016 29 19 394
HFF, folks! =)


14 Aug 2016 34 25 826
...and rag rug. Soundtrack by Pilote : soundcloud.com/pilote-1/foggy-paddock-backstep?in=sami-serola/sets/interesting Very typical Finnish tradition is to take shoes off at home, and even when visiting at someone else's home. Finnish houses are well insulated against cold and damp, but wearing warm socks, and decorating floors with rugs are still very typical in Finnish homes. And there is often an extra pair of socks also for quests. TSC contribution notice: Thanks to Robert for the topic and inspiration ;-) I'm rather busy at the moment, but will be commenting ASAP =)

Summer rain

10 Aug 2016 15 5 284
Found from the vaults. Picture taken in 2016. Soundtrack You Might Also Like This by SinQ: soundcloud.com/sinq/you-might-also-like-this

Mr Nobody in the shed

Tampere Stadium...

06 Aug 2016 13 27 504
...after rock concert. Soundtrack by Eppu Normaali, 'Tahroja paperilla' ('Stains on the paper', unfortunately only available on Youtube): youtu.be/4n4ocBknicU I took the picture to show how bright the artificial lights are on a stadium like this, and also because the view was rather exceptional. Short after the event there are still at least several thousand people on the arena, whereas the seats have already emptied. Tampere Stadium is as one may guess, made mainly for the sports events. The seating capacity is for 16,800 people. But during concerts, when the arena becomes filled by people, and the seats behind the stage are not used, there is space enough for 30,000 people. Me and my wife were there to see (and hear!) concert by the most famous Finnish rock band Eppu Normaali. They were celebrating 40th anniversary, played over 40 songs during four hours, together with Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, lead by nationally famous and well known Santtu-Matias Rouvali. What comes to Eppu Normaali rock band, they have made many songs, which well describe the Finnish melancholic soul landscape (see the song translation on soundtrack video). This picture is also my contribution for The Sunday Challenge 'Sports', and this is as close to the subject I manage to come up during last week. Eppu Normaali actually started as a punk rock band, and they have made many good satires on current issues like being madly obsessed by sports. On their song 'Urheiluhullu' ('Sports maniac') they make fun out of a person who has turned his back to philosophy and intelligence, and instead started to compete on sports like a madman. Some sources on Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampere_Stadium en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eppu_Normaali en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampere_Philharmonic_Orchestra

Retired tired tires

Red roof

31 Jul 2016 24 15 383
Soundtrack by Rena Jones: soundcloud.com/rena-jones/03-indras-web


29 Jul 2016 25 12 697
...with polar coordinates. Soundtrack by Third Person Lurkin: soundcloud.com/thirdpersonlurkin/spiral-realm?in=sami-serola/sets/interesting Because I took it one step further =)


29 Jul 2016 13 9 356
Soundtrack by diGitum: soundcloud.com/digitum-1/braindead Y NOT!

Good Friday morning!

After the rain

26 Jul 2016 10 5 250
Soundtrack by Welder Seed: soundcloud.com/brian-seed/welder-seed-sirens Because summer continues! =)

Summer rain

26 Jul 2016 22 8 520
Soundtrack by For The Love of Sound (Tylar Preece): soundcloud.com/fortheloveofsound/rain Because of the opportunity =)

Waiting for the turn

274 items in total