
Year of the Monkey

Folder: Yearly albums

Friday again

22 Oct 2016 26 32 459
Happy Fence Friday, and weekend =)

Post industrialism

21 Oct 2016 15 8 287
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Dutch Angle'.

Hang out

21 Oct 2016 19 28 430
Soundtrack by Sunosis (Colin Welsh): soundcloud.com/sunosis/leap Because of inspiration! =)


19 Oct 2016 4 249
Soundtrack by Julian Kruse: soundcloud.com/juliankruse/memories Because they look great on black ;-)

Last flowers

19 Oct 2016 13 9 332
Soundtrack by Julian Kruse: soundcloud.com/juliankruse/blossom Because I already miss them...

Alternative crop


15 Oct 2016 17 6 281
Soundtrack by Phaeleh: soundcloud.com/phaeleh/somnus

Space between fences

14 Oct 2016 18 27 312
Happy Fence Friday, and wonderful weekend folks! =)

Walk around the block

11 Oct 2016 28 47 407
Soundtrack by Dennisio (Denny Eschrich): soundcloud.com/dennisio-1/walk-around-the-block Because I was feeling lazy =P


09 Oct 2016 12 4 273
Soundtrack by Phaeleh: soundcloud.com/phaeleh/illusion-of-the-tale-full-album


08 Oct 2016 13 46 462
Soundtrack by Floex (Tomáš Dvořák): soundcloud.com/floex/lovemaking-inside-of-the-watercamel Because that's what I was listening while making this image =D WYSIWYG is an acronym especially used on computer user interface design, and it comes from words 'What You See, Is What You Get'. Tarot cards are very much an user interface as well, and experienced "reader" uses them exactly to let the "customer" to see there what the customer wants. One or more rather general symbols are used to make a person to reflect her or his own inner thoughts, hopes, fears and feelings. So, a cleverly conducted Tarot session is not actually about future telling, but more like a psychological analyses. 'The Sunday Challenge' here was to illustrate one or multiple of so called "seven heavenly virtues", which (based on some sources) are: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, and charity. I chose temperance because it is the only virtue mentioned on Tarot card titles, and it has been there since the first known examples of illustrated Tarot cards made around mid-15th century. Virtues as such are however much older origin, and they have been the "building blocks" of humanity in many cultures around the world for millenniums. The journey I took to research this topic was extremely interesting and inspiring. People do like stories, and they clearly want to make them even more colourful and exiting, by adding their own interpretations onto what they have seen and heard before. For example I found out this Tarot card originally did not represent winged angel at all. There was just a woman pouring water from one jug to another*. Later on came the wings, and in more recent versions the person transformed to an androgynous character, dressed in white robe, and standing one feet in water and another on dry land. Also the interpretations of the symbols have varied a lot. Some claim there's wine mixed with water, which is probably one reason why Temperance has seen to refer to sobriety. The "angelic" appearance of Temperance has then made people to see there references even to archangels, and some sources claim there's Gabriel, some sees there Cassiel. But what makes the concept of temperance especially interesting is the close relation with temperament. So, in real life the ability of being able to moderate one's behaviour and feelings is very much a feature learned through numerous repetitions within social interaction. According one pedagogical point of view, we can't "teach a horse" out of the context. Whether a horse learns not to afraid a squeaking gate depends on the sum of all the situations when the horse has to go through any gate, and not only based on those occasions when the horse is trained. Which means the training (learning) does not ever end. Correspondingly self-control is something one has to practise all the time. And perhaps it can be seen, and has been seen, as a profound ability what also all other virtues can be built on. In other words, all virtues can be seen as different forms of self-control (temperance). Sources: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(virtue) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(Tarot_card) www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=temperance en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperament en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_virtues en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue_ethics TSC footnote and art references: ***************************************************** Constructive suggestions are always welcome! =) ***************************************************** The possible noticeable references to Dante Alighieri's Paradiso and Gustave Doré's art are intentional ;-) Do notice Dante wrote Divine Comedy earlier than claimed origins of Tarot cards, which means the Tarot cards are very likely based also on ideas spread by Dante. Just like Dante has inspired many artists ever since. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradiso_(Dante) commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paradiso_Canto_31.jpg * And after posting this, I discovered there is actually no liquid displayed at all on the oldest versions of Temperance card. It is left for imagination to see there something poured.

Fall impression

05 Oct 2016 29 16 594
Soundtrack by Tangerine Dream: soundcloud.com/tangerinedreamofficial2015/p9vgohccaeue Because Mick suggested it! ;-)

Stepping on the cork

24 Sep 2016 28 28 492
Soundtrack by Gemini Tri (Denis Piryazev): soundcloud.com/tonoke/gemini-tri-synesthesia Finnish idiom "stepping on the cork" means that one intentionally flattens a metallic bottle cap by stepping on it, making it impossible to put the cap back on, and to make sure one has to empty the bottle of hard alcohol at once. Therefore it means one is going to get drunk and fast. This miniature cat figurine is what we salvaged from the corner pub where my wife used to work almost ten years ago, and where we first met and fell in love. That pub was very unique and great place. Somewhat all tables and chairs were from different sets. Rag rugs were hanging from the ceiling. And the place was just filled with all kinds of old stuff and house plants. This tiny wooden cat sat under a globe lamp, next to an old radio. Unfortunately the owner got into personal troubles, partly because of hoarding, and drunk too much, and finally died into cirrhosis. Pub was of course then closed, and my wife had to find another job. But what was left are the happy memories of the time we had there. I often went to that pub after work, waited my wife's shift to end. And sometimes, if there were no customers, we played Scrabble or Yatzy. Now this cat figurine is on our windowsill, sitting among similar items, and brings our thoughts back to those memories. On notes you see two old shots where I have used this cat figurine as a model.

274 items in total