Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos

Limits on 'Add to a group'

01 Feb 2021 4 3 208
There's sometimes "Certain groups may not appear" notice given when adding the group contributions. The explanation opens from the question mark. For example adding anything else but still images is maybe defined on number of groups, and the notice is given when trying to add for example a video file as a contribution. Moreover, some groups may have closed the contributions, either permanently, or temporarily. For example the Fence Friday group sometimes closes the contributions for few days.


29 Jan 2021 23 32 250
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #470: iconic A collection of iconic items in the iconic IKEA shelf. Plenty of PiP notes to view. So, these are the iconic things to me an my wife. Seems that I have not used the knitted Angry Birds on any photo project or challenge. So, maybe I will, some day. They are knitted by my "less evil daughter in law". She, is a " knitaholic " =,D

With strings attached

28 Jan 2021 30 11 243
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : "Eye of a needle"

One string attached

26 Jan 2021 23 11 243
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : "Eye of a needle" A large darning needle. Size of the eye approximately 1 cm. I used clip on "macro lens", on a 24 mm equivalent mobile phone camera.


23 Jan 2021 28 43 266
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #469: Water

The classic approach

22 Jan 2021 30 16 233
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge s: spectacles in sepia


20 Jan 2021 15 15 241
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge s: spectacles in sepia


17 Jan 2021 27 18 247
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge s: kitchen utensil And retired because of the modern "technology" =D

Tampere railway station

16 Jan 2021 22 30 291
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #468: get down low I decided to make a retake. In 2012 I had just bought a 12 mm LensBaby fisheye lens for my old FourThird Olympus DSLR. Unfortunately it worked there merely as a 24 mm equivalent wide angle lens with no barrel correction. You find the 2012 version on PiP notes and links below. Now the 16 mm equivalent lens on my phone camera has also an option to disable the digital barrel correction. And it then gives much wider angle. Additional shots: ➽ A selfie version ➽ Te same spot in 2012 ➽ Mirror used to view the camera display ➽ Camera below knee level, but pointing downwards

Coffee 50/50

31 Dec 2020 18 19 192
The End After 365 plus extra images at Instagram and Twitter, it is a releaf to get the project finished. I used the TV screen to display the images uploaded to ipernity. But there is at least one photo that does not belong to the collection. Can you find it?

Coffee 49/50

12 May 2020 12 8 189
Learning continues Only after the project was over, I learned how to use the French press. The secret is not to press. Instead one has to use the plunger only as a filter. So, first pour the water onto coffee grounds. Let it stand still for four minutes. Then stir it to make the grounds fall into bottom, and let it stand still for another 4-5 minutes. Finally put the plunger in, but press it down until it touches the surface. Then gently pour the coffee into a cup. This way the sediments does not become stirred, and you get a sediment free coffee. This is actually not different than the Finnish way to make coffee has been for several decades. Coffee has been brewed straight into the water kettle, and it is let to stand still long enough. So, the metal filter on French press is only to filter away the large particles. But otherwise the French press is an useful kitchen utensil. It can be used to brew tea, froth milk, make whipped cream, rinse grains etc. And when comes the time to rinse and wash the French press, it is easy. Just flush the coffee/tea grounds/leaves through a strainer. Dump them to compost! Do not stuck the drains! Then use hot water, dish washing liquid and the plunger to wash it, and then rinse. Sources: ➽ The Ultimate French Press Technique by James Hoffmann at YouTube ➽ Smarter way to clean a French Press Coffee Maker by French Press Coffee at YouTube ➽ 15 Creative Uses for Your French Press by Caitlyn Hutson at Atlas Coffee Club


14 Jan 2021 17 16 184
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge s: kitchen utensil and spiralsquare When buying a new camera phone, I saw an YouTube video giving some promising close up capabilities for the same cameras as used on Sony Xperia 5 II. But that was not the only reason why I chose this phone. A dedicated camera button alone has been my priority number one, when choosing a camera phone. And then there really are not many camera phones available. Today I tried to find out how the close ups seen on that video could have made. I finally decided to choose the 24 mm equivalent lens. Then I tried the digital zoom up to 70 mm equivalent focal length. And finally I chose a manual focus to be sure the camera is focused as close as it physically can. The result is surprisingly good, I think. At least good enough for an amateur photographer like me. Now this amount of magnification is also what is mentioned on Macro Dreams group 'Rules and tips' discussion topic . The image is macro enough when the subject viewed on standard "matchbox" size camera display looks as big as it really is.

Spiral whisk

13 Jan 2021 25 12 180
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : Kitchen utensil Clip on macro lens attached on front of the 24 mm equivalent phone camera.

Coffee 48/50

29 Dec 2020 2 98
Travel mode Composition inspired by a shot that Laura (raingirl) shared at Discord. In 2019, we spent the summer vacation by travelling around Southern Finland. And because there were no coffee machines always available, we had to buy this coffee funnel. The best part is to watch the coffee bubbling in the funnel.

Coffee 47/50

16 Dec 2020 13 8 135
Sweet scent ➽ Coffee is Being Widely Used as a COVID-19 Diagnostic Tool , Daily Coffee News, December 14,2020

Chlorophytum comosum

12 Jan 2021 17 18 163
Upload test from the old ipernity Android app. Spider plant is often our Christmas flower. It keep on blossoming in the middle of the winter. Few tiny white flowers only, and yet so noticeable. On this shot I used 70mm equivalent focal length, and so called clip on macro lens (magnifying glass) . Together they work as a strong macro lens. Because the aperture is always large and fixed on phone cameras (f/2.4 on this lens), the depth of field is super shallow. But on the other hand, one gets a nice bokeh background very easily.

Coffee 46/50

07 Dec 2020 18 13 154
Texture More or less what I was supposed to upload before all December 2020 troubles started. This was also supposed to be an contribution to The Sunday Challenge #462, which then got replaced with number of archive images instead, and finally continued temporary at Flickr. Happy to be back here again. Although, it has became painfully obvious that this old car of our's is not going to last long, and have to replaced with something new. Now also a contribution to The Sunday Challenge #467: Texture

3312 items in total