Brian Scott's photos

Sparrowhawk male

19 Apr 2023 55
There was a loud screeching of gulls up ahead....

Sparrowhawk male

19 Apr 2023 2 57
There was a loud screeching of gulls up ahead....

Nuthatch gathering nesting material

19 Apr 2023 59
Spotted this bird dropping to the ground near the trail, followed its progress to the nest hole.

Nuthatch gathering nesting material 2

19 Apr 2023 47
Spotted this bird dropping to the ground near the trail, followed its progress to the nest hole.

Nuthatch - Home building

19 Apr 2023 2 49
Spotted this bird dropping to the ground near the trail, followed its progress to the nest hole.

Mallard male on Alyth Burn

19 Apr 2023 1 41
There just has to be a female nearby somewhere

Grey Wagtail on the rocks

19 Apr 2023 1 59
I had just said 'some there's been no Grey Wagtails"!

Great pair of tits

19 Apr 2023 1 2 57
These birds sat happily within the shade just in front of us

Great pair of tits

19 Apr 2023 52
These birds sat happily within the shade just in front of us

Dipper and rock

19 Apr 2023 1 2 60
Alyth Burn has a couple of pairs of Dippers living on it, they can make great photo subjects, when they move into the light

Wren singing in the dark of the forest

19 Apr 2023 3 4 56
This tiny bird was singing its heart out through a gap between pine trees

Another place and time

12 Jan 2023 13 14 94
A puddle reflection in Castle St, Aberdeen

Balintore castle and Cat Law in snow small

The road back down to Quharity

18 Feb 2023 1 4 45
I had driven up this hill with some slight concern but all was well, going down felt a little scary.

Balintore castle from the front

18 Feb 2023 37
Balintore castle is an ongoing project

Blaintore castle close up in snow

18 Feb 2023 5 2 40
Balintore castle is an ongoing project

Back down the road

18 Feb 2023 35
The remains of the impressive entrance gates showing the road back down

The castle over the hill

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.