Brian Scott's photos

Female Crossbill at Backwater reservoir

25 Feb 2023 48
February 2023

Female Crossbill at Backwater reservoir

25 Feb 2023 37
February 2023

Female Crossbill at Backwater reservoir

25 Feb 2023 41
February 2023

Red Squirrel

08 Jan 2023 40
Yow ain't seen me, roight - Loch of Lintrathen

Red Squirrel

08 Jan 2023 2 56
Munching - Loch of Lintrathen

Red Squirrel

08 Jan 2023 1 2 41
Munching in a tree - Loch of Lintrathen

Red Squirrel

08 Jan 2023 1 1 46
Balancing on a branch - Loch of Lintrathen

Hare moving towards me in the field

21 Mar 2023 48
In the field behind the house

Hare in the field

21 Mar 2023 45
In the field behind the house

Hare in the field - watching

21 Mar 2023 41
In the field behind the house

Hare heading into the farmyard

Hare - on the run

21 Mar 2023 44
In the field behind the house

Hare wars

21 Apr 2023 3 2 49
Driving back from the reservoir I spotted these two going at it in a field next to the road

Robin(s) in the garden

26 Jan 2023 1 86
One of our least frequent visitors

What the ... ?

14 Apr 2023 1 69
Jackdaw perched on our fence and looking a little surprised

Osprey and fish

20 Apr 2023 5 8 109
I had just watched three Osprey flying above, like a Buzzard family, then this bird rose from behind the tree line with its catch.

Wren on a moss covered log

19 Apr 2023 3 2 74
Peeking out from behind this log

Wild Daffodils

19 Apr 2023 2 2 63
These Daffs are everywhere

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.