Burning Man (0541)

Burning Man 2009

At The Greeter Station (0916)

Ticket Booth to Greeter Station (0913)

Ticket Booth to Greeter Station (0912)

Ticket Booth to Greeter Station (0911)

Ticket Booth to Greeter Station (0910)

This Is How The Ticket Takers Get To The Gate (091…

31 Aug 2009 487
It's about a mile from the edge of the city to the greeter station and then about another mile to the ticket booths. Yes, he could ride a bike, but he's not.

Black Rock City in Infrared (0018)

Gathered At Darrels Tent (0017)

Black Rock City Looms Ahead (0919)

Stephen (0273)

Steffen (0437)

Pete Barry & Ed (0921)

Our Rainbow Pennants In Infrared (0016)

Our Camp

09 Sep 2009 500
Fifteen guys this year.

Infrared View From My Tent (0015)

Rules Gotta Have Rules (0275)

Raygun Gothic Rocketship (0280)

Raygun Gothic Rocketship (0279)

608 items in total