Burning Man (0541)

Burning Man 2009

Forbidden in Black Rock City (0885)

Perimeter Fence (02)

08 Sep 2009 342
This is from the upper point of the pentagram surrounding the city, the furthest you can get from the Man.

Perimeter Fence (01)

Rick & Steve at Black Rock City (0881)

Rick & Steve Getting Inspected (0908)

Rules for Black Rock City (0886)

Waiting To Enter Black Rock City (0900)

You Can Bike Into Black Rock City - with a little…

Why Did The Hippies Cross The Road? (0897)

Waiting To Enter Black Rock City (0894)

Waiting To Enter Black Rock City (0893)

We Pass The Ticket Booths (0909)

Waiting To Enter Black Rock City (0903)

Darrel Rings The Virgin Bell (0917)

9 O'Clock To The Raygun Gothic Rocketship

10 Sep 2009 766
Shot with a little video camera attached to the handlebars of my bicycle. The video quality may make you sick, and you might as well turn off the audio. This journey goes from 9 O'Clock at about G to the Esplanade and thence out to the Raygun Gothic Rocketship. No nudity - how did that happen?

At The Greeter Station (0915)

The Edge of Black Rock City (0920)

Darrel & Our Greeter (0918)

608 items in total