Work in Progress

16 Apr 2016

12 favorites


660 visits


working on "Las Condiciones están Dada"

21 Sep 2016

3 favorites


448 visits

work in progress

Picked up again the habit of a small daily work. I will not upload each one again, I think it is a pressure that leads me to refusing to do it. I never lost the habit, but not everything is nice or "presentable", for my very own standards. I have been busy and traveling too. Working on today's collage.

21 Sep 2016

5 favorites


349 visits

work in progress

Picked up again the habit of a small daily work. I will not upload each one again, I think it is a pressure that leads me to refusing to do it. I never lost the habit, but not everything is nice or "presentable", for my very own standards. I have been busy and traveling too. Today's collage.

29 Jul 2018

6 favorites

397 visits

Deck of cards journal


29 Jul 2018

5 favorites

198 visits

Deck of cards journal

Cards, side for collages.

29 Jul 2018

11 favorites


581 visits

Deck of cards journal

Front, work in progress

10 Nov 2021

13 favorites


336 visits

The absurd

Work in progress. The collage is an old piece from when I was still in flickr (ten years ago) called: 'Solo for dancing-feet-harmonium with bowler hat and duchess slipper'. I am trying to make a diorama based on it, let's see. The situation in my country and elsewhere is such that the only way to continue living is recognition and acceptance of the absurd.