Richard Mullard's photos

Sun Pillar

06 Apr 2017 143
Saw this before going to work one morning

Fortescue Bro's

19 Aug 2017 139
This was in an alley in West St Reading, anything bike related this was the shop you went too. Part of Reading's heritage.


14 Jul 2018 110
Only done this because I wanted to.

If you must.

19 Nov 2017 243
A local cat I've befriended over the last couple of weeks, still skittish around me.

Circumzenithal Arc.

21 Oct 2016 309
My 2nd ever CZA, not a big one admittedly only saw it's reflection in the car next to me at work. This wiki page gives more info,


25 Oct 2015 378
The twice yearly pain in the proverbial, resulted in me getting the 1Ds out, just so I could get a picture that was worth firing up the 'mac' to update the time on the camera. It's also highlighted the fact that the sensor needs a damn good clean as well.

Hurst Castle, Low lighthouse.

27 Jun 2015 379
One of the 'low' lighthouse's in Hurst Castle west wing. installed about 1911.

Life On Mars #2

27 Jun 2015 438
Shot with a Samyang 8mm UWA looking towards Lymington in the distance.

The Stump

19 Jun 2015 346
Just one of the fallen many, in my local park in Tilehurst.


19 Jun 2015 353
A tree in Prospect Park that has seen better days.

Where it all starts.

25 May 2015 369
This is the physical start of the Holybrook, all it is is just some baulks of timber to split the channel, the left go's to the Kennet the right-side is the Holybrook.

Burghfield Road Bridge

23 May 2015 378
Looking east from on top of the lower arch of the two tier bridge.

Burghfield Road Two Tier Bridge

23 May 2015 439
The Burghfield road was raised in 1847 when the Hungerford branch railway was built. Most of the road user's don't get to see what they are driving over.

Garston Lock

16 May 2015 309
Garston Lock on the Kennet & Avon canal at Theale, this is only one of two 'turf sided' locks left, the other being at 'monkey marsh' lock.

British Summertime

29 Mar 2015 311
The first day of British summer-time and it's raining, taken with my full spectrum I.R. camera and processed in DPP and LR5.

Not Amused

07 Jan 2015 506
Another local cat caught in the act of doing nothing, it looks a tad un-impressed.

Griffith Railway Foundry.

15 Dec 2014 369
I first saw this in 2011 the last time I was out of work and thought I must get a picture of it before I forgot, never did get it until yesterday.

Don't Look Down.

15 Dec 2014 300
The occupants of the house where this was decided to have some fun with their coal cellar roof light.

100 items in total