Alaska-July 2009

Alaska, July 2009

Climbing "picture rock"

Ta Da!! "I can see Russia from up here."

Alaskan rock stars

Alaska is for lovers.

28 Jul 2009 1 84
Photos by our companion, Bruce

It says "CAUTION: Bears were observed on the hotel…

Excitedly awaiting the bus that will take us river…

Suiting up

Are we having fun yet?

Apparently we are!

Ready to put in

Alaska fashion show

28 Jul 2009 105
Photos by our companion, Bruce

High walls of slate surround us.

Firm buns of steel propell us

Serene birds of prey regurgitate on us.

Fed by glacial run off, the water is a murky gray…

There's my happy girl. She's found bear tracks.

Look how long the claws must be, from the toe pads…

283 items in total