Alaska-July 2009

Alaska, July 2009

IMG 1188

27 Jul 2009 100
Photos by our companion, Bruce

A delighful lunch at the Denali Brewing Co., Talke…

Denali Brewing Co. log walls are chinked with the…

Refreshed, and off to discover new gift shops.

Flowers and spruce burls

Bruce contemplates the meaning of the Alaska state…

Wecome to the MT. McKinley Princess Lodge

28 Jul 2009 82
Beautiful grounds, nice rooms and good food and service

The background sign is there because on a clear da…

Mandatory Mt. McKinley Portrait. Use your imaginat…

"Wary Interesting but stupid."

28 Jul 2009 111
Dating myself by channeling Arte Johnson on Laugh In

Tiptoe through the fireweed with me.

28 Jul 2009 64
Photos by our companion, Bruce

One of dozens of lovely flower baskets that decora…

The Talkeetna River runs behind the hotel

Let's take a walk. Maybe we'll see a bear. Hey, yo…

"Help me!" Bruce is ensnared in a web of tourist-e…

"Do you think if we just stare at him long enough…

Adding to the cairn

283 items in total