[Happy Fence Friday]


[Happy Fence Friday]

18 Oct 2016 28 40 1383
Matalascañas – Doñana Sur (36.98231, -06.52878); [200°]

H F F ... and H B F ! *

16 Oct 2016 24 29 1123
Sevilla – Plaza de España The Plaza de España is a plaza in the Parque de María Luisa, in Seville, Spain, built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. It is a landmark example of the Regionalism Architecture, mixing elements of the Renaissance Revival and Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudéjar) styles of Spanish architecture. Architect: Aníbal González The Plaza de España has been used as a filming location, including scenes for the 1962 film "Lawrence of Arabia". The building was used as a location in the Star Wars movie series "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones" (2002) — in which it featured in exterior shots of the City of Theed on the Planet Naboo. It also featured in the 2012 film "The Dictator". The plaza was used as a set for the video of Simply Red's song " Something Got Me Started " (1991). * HBF = Happy Black Friday! ;-) (37.37651, -05.98625); [00°]

enduring unfinished

25 Oct 2017 7 19 562
Albufeira – "Die Unvollendete" Unintentionally fenced. It's the concrete reinforcement of a wall that never had been finished, so now it has the function of a fence. => HFF (37.08390, -08.26917); [280°]

HFF – Happy Fence Friday

13 Oct 2014 15 32 591
Houston, we have a fence! Cape Kennedy Space Center – Launch Complex 39A Man dürfte leicht geneigt sein, den Zaun in diesem Bild zu übersehen, angesichts der Imposanz der dahinter liegenden monströsen Konstruktion. Aber der Zaun ist nötig; er hält nicht nur die ungebetenen Leute davon ab, das Gelände zu betreten, sondern auch die zahlreichen Tiere, die das umliegende (zum Naturschutzgebiet erklärte) Areal bevölkern. Es handelt sich hierbei um das Launch Complex 39A, der Startrampe der Raketen des Apollo-Programms in den 60er und 70er Jahren. Aktuell wird die Startrampe wieder durch Elon Musk, dem Tesla- und SpaceX-Gründer, für seine "Falcon-9" und "Falcon Heavy" Raketen benutzt. (Wenn du in die Karte klickst, sieht man den SpaceX-Hangar, mit weissem Dach, direkt südlich vom Aufnahmestandpunkt.) => Kennedy Space Center, Launch Complex 39 => SpaceX Hangar von Elon Musk auf dem Gelände. –––––––– Cape Kennedy Space Center – Launch Complex 39A One might easily be inclined to overlook the fence in this picture, given the imposing monstrous construction behind it. But the fence is necessary. It keeps the uninvited people from entering the grounds; and also the numerous animals that populate the surrounding area (declared as a nature reserve). It is the Launch Complex 39A, the launch pad of the Apollo missile launchers in the 60s and 70s. Currently, the launch pad is being used by Elton Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX founder, for his "Falcon 9" and "Falcon Heavy" Rockets. (If you click on the map, you will see the SpaceX hangar, with a white roof, just south of the shot point.) => Kennedy Space Center, Launch Complex 39 (28.60338, -80.60398); [10°]

Ein Hauch von Winter im morgendlichen Nebel.

08 Feb 2018 19 23 884
Blick von der Gesslerburg Richtung Küssnacht. View from the Gessler Castle to Küssnacht. Only a few hundred meters away from here (47.0915, 08.4521) is the "Hohle Gasse", a narrow path in the forest. It's the place were, according to a legend, William Tell shot the tyrannous bailiff Herrmann Gessler with an arrow from his crossbow; and so Switzerland has been freed from the rule of Habsburg. Happened around 1290. Well, this is the very short version ;-) HFF (47.08178, 08.44847); [200°] [195/200]


17 Oct 2014 23 34 702
HFF Pensacola Beach – walk to the beach. I need to spread some warm ambience here ;-) (30.32800, -87.16047); [170°]

On Piz Corvatsch

15 Sep 2018 24 47 752
Happy Fence Friday ! View from the mountain station of Piz Corvatsch (3'303m / 10'840ft) to the Piz Bernina and Piz Rosegg. In between the Tschierva glacier. => swisstopo (46.41804, 09.82158); [120°]

over the ridge

20 Oct 2018 28 51 785
HFF ! Niesen – Cheesbödi (1'990 m) => swisstopo map (46.64064, 07.64257); [200°]

Trio Grande fenced

20 Oct 2018 28 47 640
Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau – vom Niesen The famous triple seen from the Niesen (2'362 m). => HFF ! (46.64449, 07.65030); [100°]

Warten auf Godot?

20 Sep 2018 20 38 588
Baustelle am Sustenpass – HFF – (46.7409, 08.5003)


13 May 2017 14 28 538
Meine Yacht auf dem Gardasee. ;-) – HFF – (45.61378, 10.64134); [200°]

three of a kind

24 Oct 2008 27 41 654
Nepal – suspension bridge at Galeshwor. – HFF – ➽ PIP: women at work. (28.37582, 83.56797); [00°]


17 Feb 2019 20 37 728
Murten – city curtain wall with parapet walk. - HFF - Well, in fact it's not a fence it is rather a balustrade or banister, but more and more also balustrades are established in this group, as I've seen. :-) ➽ PIP 1: The roof framework of the watch tower you can see on the left side. View from the bottom up. Watch your neck! ;-) (click on the picture to view in full size) ➽ PIP 2: Twisted chimney on the roof of a house. I guess the chimney-cutter had a fun day when he built this. ;-) ➽ Wiki (English / Deutsch) ➽ Swiss Topo (46.92794, 07.11859); [240°]

just hanging around

08 Mar 2019 24 57 942
– Happy Fence Friday – Suspension Bridge Hohstalden, Adelboden, Switzerland There is a nice story behind. The father of two children, who lives on this far side of the valley, has built this suspension bridge with the help of sponsors, so that his children have a shorter trip to school. Otherwise they would need hours to get there. See infos about the bridge and sponsors as well as craftsmen in the two PIPs. ➽ Hängebrücke Hostalde (46.55939, 07.61742); [350°]

Kapellbrücke vom Rathaussteg

06 Apr 1975 22 41 776
– Happy Fence Friday – Luzern – Wasserturm bei der Kapellbrücke, vom Rathaussteg. Eine von vielen Zeichnungen, die ich während meiner Lehrzeit erstellt habe. Hier ein Beispiel aus den Anfängen. Sie zeigt eine der meist besuchten Attraktionen von ausländischen Touristen in der Schweiz: die Kappelbrücke in Luzern. Später hat sich dann mein Stil etwas geändert. :-) ➽ PIP 1: Universität Bern; Filzstift, Skizze ➽ PIP2: Bahnhof Bern; Bleistift (47.05083, 8.30615); [70°]

In guten Kreisen

05 Dec 2017 33 40 950
Murten – Centre Loewenberg H F F Atrium im Wohnpavillon. Siehe auch => letztes Bild. (46.93869, 07.13579); [270°]

28 Aug 2011 34 47 1000
Happy Fence Friday ! ➽ Olympia Stadion Helsinki Im PIP sieht man die Statue des neunfachen finnischen Olympiasiegers und Langstreckenläufers Paavo Nurmi, die vor dem Stadion steht. ➽ Paavo Nurmi ( 60.18616, 24.92670 ); [80°]

accurate information

17 Feb 2019 23 51 660
Muntelier 435 m.ü.M. In der Schweiz werden die Wanderzeiten auf die Sekunde genau angegeben! ;-) HFF ! :-) (ganz rechts aussen) ➽ (46.94290, 7.13380) ; [10°] (siehe auch PIP) ➽ OpenTopoMap ➽ SwissTopo

103 items in total