Meadowsweet - East Blatchington Pond - 25.6.2018

Wild flowers

Folder: The natural world

Meadowsweet - East Blatchington Pond - 25.6.2018

Three-cornered Garlic - East Blatchington - 12.4.2…

12 Apr 2014 193
The veined leaves in the closer view are from a Green Alkanet, a plant with a smallish blue flower. The Garlic leaves are the narrower strap-like ones.

Seakale seed heads - Tidemills - 19.11.2013

Common Water-crowfoot - Tidemills - 23.5.2013

23 May 2013 215
This was growing in a thick mat in a drainage channel in the Ouse Estuary.

Himalayan Balsam - Osney - Oxford - 17.8.2012

17 Aug 2012 2 4 266
This escapee from cultivation is becoming something of a weed in some areas.

Wild Carrot - Seaford - 30.6.2014

Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea - Bishopstone - 9.7.…

09 Jul 2014 2 248
The first of a small group of wild flower photos, taken alongside the Buckle By-pass in a cutting between Seaford & Bishopstone. I had spotted what I thought were Pyramidal Orchids, as I passed by on a bus. So I went back to discover a wide range of wild flowers on the side of the cutting that the road passes through. The south-facing side of the road has no foot path, but has a wide grass verge before the bank climbs steeply 30ft +. As well as the flowers uploaded there were swathes of Valerian, mainly red and pink, but including some white, clumps of Wild Marjoram, Vetches, Clover, Thistles and Apple trees. All-in-all a lovely discovery, to which I must return.

Chicory - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 189
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Common Knapweed - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 182
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Oxeye Daisy - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 173
I am fairly sure that these are Oxeyes, but they seem a bit small. Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Pyramidal Orchid - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 189
These are what caught my eye passing by on a bus. I had to come back and check out what I had seen. There is a lot of Valerian in the area and I thought it could be odd plants of that. There were probably twenty or so of these Orchids, about 70 metres to the right of the bus-stop in the inset picture.

Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea - Bishopstone - 9.7.2…

09 Jul 2014 191
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Broom - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 186
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Perforate St John's-wort - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 201
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Silver Ragwort - Bishopstone - 9.7.2014

09 Jul 2014 201
Please see for the background to this group of wild flowers pictures.

Traveller's joy - Birling Gap - 10.9.2014

Sainfoin - beside the A259 - Bishopstone - 16.5.20…

16 May 2015 1 3 208
I think that this may be the Common Restharrow, but the stems seem to be too long. I shall be very happy to change the caption if a more knowledgeable wild flower enthusiast can provide the correct species. Thanks to Fortesque28's efforts this has now been identified as Sainfoin, This looks like an early, not-fully-formed flower head. Generally they are larger and more conical, which is why I didn't find it in Sarah Raven's large 'Wild flowers' book.

Unknown blue flowered plant - Cuckmere - 21.5.2015

21 May 2015 251
Looking at these three views, I was puzzled by this plant. I could see similarities with Viper's-bugloss, but the leaves didn't look the same and the stamens are pale blue rather than red. I use Sarah Raven's large tome 'Wild Flowers' for trying to identify wild flowers - strangely enough! No other plant seemed close. However when I discovered I had taken another shot with the buds 'unwinding' it looked much more like Viper's-bugloss as described by Sarah. shows what I mean. The stamens are still pale blue, but there are touches of pinky-red around the buds. As always I am very happy to be put right by people more botanically minded than I am.

107 items in total