Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
© All rights reserved

This is why ..

01 May 2015 3 7 315
my camera is always with me - not my yard flowers - but, I do visit that spot often - just to see what has been planted - a lovely area outside a small church - down the road-a-piece [ as they say here ] - the Memory Bench - ah, that was seen at a very old Cemetery - there is beauty all around - (c) All Rights Reserved


24 Apr 2015 7 6 320
.. for My Friend .. a very talented soul .. who sees this World in all colors .. which includes Black & White (c) All Rights Reserved --- ** 2 notes ** --- - from Wikipedia ''Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white - a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum. ''

.. beneath a White Ash

04 Apr 2015 4 14 289
does the first Dogwood tree bloom - later than last year - cold winters will do that - white bracts to be followed by tiny yellow flowers - in the center - soon ---- pink and red ones - this is a Season of Color ~ ** 2 notes ** (c) All Rights Reserved 2015

Daff Family ..

31 Mar 2015 3 4 205
only one isn't in my Inherited Garden of Surprises - 2015 .. different stages of beauty .. intense color .. to fading glory .. then, there is that other relative .... (c) All Rights Reserved

Blooming !

29 Mar 2015 2 4 223
and I shall shoot them where they are - this tree is behind the Police Department - so, while documenting a stunning sky - with Bradford Pear blossoms - was parked in a 'city employee' spot - (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

Royalty in a circle ..

12 Mar 2015 3 6 342
Purple Crocus .. ** 1 note ** texture is mine .. Purple = Elegance (c) AllRighstReserved

Colors of Spring -

11 Mar 2015 4 9 302
Rich, elegant Purple of a Crocus - golden Yellow ruffles - framed with petals of white - buds of Daffodils - straining to push open the soft confines - we shall bloom - Spring! The Garden-of-Surprises-2015 has decreed It Is Spring ! (c) All Rights Reserved

.. solitude

02 Mar 2015 3 10 252
.. a Memorial at a local church .. seems fitting with the old brick wall in the background .. yes, this was a few weeks ago .. that is snow on the ground .. none now .. so far It has happened in March, here, but requests to the weather have been submitted -- am enjoying the sun and warmth .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. snowscape 2015

26 Feb 2015 5 4 360
- looking out my windows - Mother Nature was very busy - up to 9 inches of snow - not much for some souls - but, for this area of North Carolina - oh, yes (c) All Rights Reserved

A Yahoo snow day ..

24 Feb 2015 6 10 329
Yahoo, my across the street 4 pawed neighbor - enjoys the snowfall - while his people sled down the driveway - Pam J knows how far this is - I don't have a clue - bur, taken through a window - across our front yard - across the street - up the hill in Yahoo's yard - so, no not a clear shot - but, I love Yahoo's expression - (c) All Rights Reserved

.. ice covered branches 2

20 Feb 2015 4 15 305
- same shrub with ice on branches - different angle / same day - ** 1 note ** this turned out B & W - nothing to do with editing - (c) All Rights Reserved

. . looking

17 Feb 2015 5 8 292
through a window - the cold Winter sky - seems warm - in PicMonkey - this window was created - using one in our home - Sky--writing on a Carolina Sky of Blue ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

'Liquid Sunshine '

01 Feb 2015 3 8 360
Gold of a Dandelion - Orb with overlay of the original photo - Name ? Given by Pam J ~ (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

Thomas ..

01 Feb 2015 4 10 410
- our Neighborhood Feline - he adopted us all - Thomas [ aka Panther ] sleeps next door - goes across the street for meals - our home he visits for crunchy treats - don't think he is deep in thought - unless it is "how am I going to get that Mole out " - Thomas/Panther is a wonderful neighbor - oh, he really is a beautiful black cat with golden eyes; he has been to the Carolina Clay Spa (c) All Rights Reserved

Foggy Day ..

15 Jan 2015 7 6 368
and a bright spot in the branches - Male Cardinal in a White Ash - shot through two layers of glass - the kitchen window is a great observation point - (c) AllRightsReserved

Foggy drops ..

12 Jan 2015 6 6 296
of rain of the windshield .. the only color is part of a traffic signal .. used PS E6 to construct an Orb .. then, de-constructed it .. so many possibilities .. so many .. (c) AllRightsReserved

Brunch . . .

06 Jan 2015 8 11 362
or .. dinner .. supper .. breakfast .. wherever you are .. Enjoy ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

.. snob ?

27 Dec 2014 6 5 483
- no idea - although some of the online comments from customers - who have been in the shop - make it seem so - like one of my friends says --- 'If it is there, I will take the photo' (c) All Rights Reserved ARCHIVE AIRINGS YEARS AGO AA 276

640 items in total