Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
© All rights reserved

Daylily times three ..

03 Jul 2014 1 320
down the road at the Arts Council - new Art has been added to the existing outdoor pieces - this is one I like - I am a person who likes to look at Art - and not have to stand on my head to figure it out - or heaven forbid - ask somebody 'what does this mean?' - there is some of that art [ lowercase ] - might put some of it up - not decided - there is one - absolutely not - makes no sense so won't even post it - so, this was my trip [sort of a side trip, since I had to get groceries] - makes getting groceries a better task - (c) All Rights Reserved

Summer !

21 Jun 2014 2 5 225
tough to find a decent/safe spot to take a shot of this yellow carpet of beauty - vehicles are on the Interstate - I'm over on the Service Road - don't know who had this idea - ( it was the wife of the Governor in 1985-86 ) kudos ! along many roads in North Carolina - beauty welcomes you - how can one not be happy - when greeted with a large planting of Yellow Day Lilies and wildflowers galore - © All rights reserved Archive Airings AA-250 A NEW SEASON

.. character

20 Jun 2014 2 2 311
in an old Cedar - there is a row of them in this cemetery - standing watch over a peaceful place - sounds of traffic in the distance - concerts and symphonies of birds - the trunk is Art - birds have nested here - have found meals - it is a beauty - (c) All Rights Reserved

cold milling ..

18 Jun 2014 2 271
our street - 2014 before being paved - this machine is over 28 tons - the smoke/dust is from removing the old surface - have no idea how many people or machines went up and down - they certainly had a job for all - if you look at the 'arm' carrying the old surface material - to the truck ahead - that arm can be folded in half for transport on a flatbead - it was quite interesting - took photos from inside - ** 2 PiP ** (c) All Rights Reserved

Papa ..

14 Jun 2014 1 3 240
- didn't see him today, but found him high atop the evergreen - if he ever gets close enough for a really clear shot - I'll probably drop the camera !! (c) All Rights Reserved

Listen to the music ..

13 Jun 2014 2 2 184
- this Mockingbird perched on chimney next door - sang a great concert - in between selections - check out the notes on the top left side - aerial / ballet concert, too! (c) All Rights Reserved

.. Little Dog

09 Jun 2014 1 3 214
- is a neighbor - loves to bark - has several places of exit - from from his backyard - he barked & barked until I looked at him - " yes, I live over here; we are neighbors." - then, he stopped - but, every time I go out - must repeat the same thing - short attention span canine ? - or just likes to bark ? (c) All Rights Reserved

.. save

31 May 2014 3 223
the last dance for me - The Dancers ( Turn of the Century ) by Seward Johnson - larger than life sculptures - Inspired by Renoir's "Dance at Bougival" - in front of the Arts Council - which is a re-purposed old home (the Captain White House) - built in 1873 - Queen Anne style architecture - (c) All Rights Reserved ** notice in the local paper said they are headed for the Pittsburgh PA (USA) area **

Beyond the Frame ..

28 May 2014 3 8 276
The Dancers .. Turn of the Century .. by Seward Johnson, sculptor .. Inspired by Renoir's "Dance at Bougival" .. Larger than life sculpture .. Has been on loan for three years .. Today, May 28, 2014 .. We thank Mr. Seward Johnson for his art .. May it bring as much joy to others .. As it has to this area of North Carolina .. ---------- 3 notes -- one for each section of the collage -------------------------- (c) AllRightsReserved

.. a visitor

13 May 2014 1 2 251
in the purple Japanese Iris - 1 note upper Left they don't photograph the true purple that they are - matters not what setting used - but, they are Purple ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

.. a few steps away

04 May 2014 2 2 289
is found this Tulip Tree that my neighbor planted - love it when a neighbor has things to photograph - that aren't in my yard - of course, I haven't walked around his entire yard - yet - © All Rights Reserved

a blanket of Stars -

02 May 2014 234
Star of Bethlehem make a blanket under the Dogwood - 2 notes top Left sun and shadow create patterns - open during the day - they have closed this evening - the air is full of Lilac aromas - birds in full evening concert - sky with wispy, backcombed clouds - and a very small crescent moon - hope your corner of this Big Blue Ball is just as wonderful as my sliver -- (c) All Rights Reserved

. . .

30 Apr 2014 1 2 286
within us all - imagination - creativity - rhythm - enjoy or not - we all have 24hrs a day - that which we do with them - our choice - we are all day-to-day - life is a gift to savor - may your day be that for which you hope - Namaste, Peggy (c) All Rights Reserved

yes - then no --

30 Apr 2014 2 2 253
raindrops fall - then the sun shows up - doing things in between the raindrops - lavender blooms of chives look so pretty - there is another color [ I think ] Iris almost ready to bloom - and the Azalea - can't tell if it will be a Formosa or not - no, am not being too patient - in finding out what is in - my surprise Garden Journey - (c) All Rights Reserved

It's a great day ..

29 Apr 2014 1 2 213
for shooting in the rain - dodging raindrops - keeping camera and self dry - challenging ! (c) All Rights Reserved

.. just looking

24 Apr 2014 1 281
.. a huge tent set up for an event .. catering truck in the parking lot .. things that go up .. curve of the tent .. church steeple .. antenna for something .. and always .. trees of Mother Nature .. against a warm, light blue canvas (c) All Rights Reserved

heaven in the air . .

15 Apr 2014 2 3 189
White Lilacs starting - to open - on watch for Hummingbirds - 'The Lilac Nectar-Bar' is open - come one - come all - just long enough for a photo ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

not quite ..

11 Apr 2014 3 2 305
but many colors of the rainbow .. looking down our street .. purples have yet to awake .. just a few orange .. no real red, yet .. but all those green leaves .. ah - there shall be something of wonder .. (c) All Rights Reserved

643 items in total